Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cleaning up bad credit?

I admit it, I was irresponsible when I was younger with my credit cards. I would charge things and then neglect to pay for them.. until like a few months later. That and well, I didn%26#039;t have/ nor do I have medical coverage and had a few visits to the ER which didn%26#039;t help matters any. But I do have good news, I paid off most of my past debts and am currently in debt only $400. for a college loan. And oh yeah, the reason for this post...

In July of 07 I got an offer from Capital One for a credit card to help rebuild my credit history. My credit limit was only $300. but now (since I%26#039;ve proved myself responsible and have been paying off my balance in full each month) it has risen to $500. I only charged $200. this month and just paid it off in full. It hurts a bit because I am working part-time at the hospital until a full-time position opens and am not making that much. Would it be bad if I left like a $50. balance on it to carry over until the next month? Would it hurt my score? I%26#039;m pretty sure my score is going up, last time I checked it went up over 40pts which is great and I would like to maintain that increase.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Cleaning up bad credit?fast loan

As long as you are making on time payments at or above the minimum payment, it will not hurt your score to carry a balance but it will cost you more in terms of extra months of interest payments. I would try to keep your balance you carry under 50% of the available credit since your debt to available credit ratio is also a big part of your credit score. You have a capital one card so there is a good chance that are not reporting your actual credit limit, but rather your highest balance ever as your credit limit. You should check your credit report to see if your card does this. It is important to know this because it throws your credit to debt ratio off a bit. Also, don%26#039;t fret about your past payment history. Most credit bureaus only look at the last 2 to 3 years of payment history in regards to your credit score. Focus on making on time payments for the next 6 months(then the next 6and then next 6) since you cannot change your past (usually). Good luck. Hope you get that full time position.

Cleaning up bad credit? loan

I found this tutorial that contains a complete and advanced strategy that anyone can use when attempting to clean up their credit. - Easy Credit Repair Tutorial

It might be insightful for you. Congrats on getting off on the right foot. Good luck!|||Bad credit is one of the worst problems to have... however there exists a solution. I will hereby talk from my personal experience. I did debt consolidation a couple of years ago, however If I had to do it again I would pay to some minor details, if someone wants to get out of debt today it is pretty easy with a debt consolidation plan, however it may get a bit tricky at times,

I suggest you get as much information as possible online on this first, a good place to start in my humble opinion is astraight to the point ebook with question and answer I found : http://www.counselingcreditcarddebt.com

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