Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How many people actually click on internet banners?

I mean *external* links here, such as pc offers, credit card promotions, and so on. I never feel they talk to me. If I want to get a fair price on something, I go to a trusted seller or do a broad search.

How many people actually click on internet banners?cheap loans

I don%26#039;t. I%26#039;ve done it by accident, which is really annoying. I%26#039;m with you, I%26#039;d go to a trusted seller or search it out myself.

How many people actually click on internet banners? loan

Well, enough people click on them so companies keep paying to have them on the web , that%26#039;s for sure!|||almost 30 to 40 percent ... not clear about it ...|||I never do. Why would anyone? Besides being annoying by having to have pop-up blockers taking up your computer%26#039;s memory just to deal with ads, they%26#039;re a waste of time for the advertiser. But then again, apparently not, or they wouldn%26#039;t bother. Go figure.|||I totally agree with you. I haven%26#039;t ever clicked on any banner rather the pop up banners irritates me and even if I want to click I dont, because they are causing trouble.

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