Thursday, July 16, 2009

What exactly can I put in my recycling bin?

Besides the obvious stuff like newspapers, plastic beverage bottles, and glass bottles..

Can I put stuff like receipts, credit card offer envelopes I don%26#039;t read, old homework, various plastic wrappers, fast food bags/wrappers/cups, toilet paper tubes, used paper plates, etc etc my recycling bin? plastic packaging (blister packs?)


What exactly can I put in my recycling bin?horses for loan

Yes you can recycle any paper product as long as it has no food residue on it, so your old receipts, old homework, junk mail, etc. is fine. For plastic wrappers and blister packing it depends on where you live/the company that takes care of your recycling. (The blister packs and other plastic containers should have a number in a triangle somewhere and the company that deals with your recycling should have a list of the numbers they accept.) For items that have been used for food, paper plates, napkins, etc., you can put these in your compost bin if your company provides you with one. (If you have no compost bin I recommend stating your own because it will help cut down your waste and provide you with nutrient rich soil and worms for fishing. Here%26#039;s a website on how to do it: Oh and for those plastic cups just give a rinse and throw them in the recycle bin. Glad to see your recycling!

What exactly can I put in my recycling bin? loan

You can put in anything that%26#039;s recyclable, which includes things like metal, old towels, broken calculators, old computers, broken printers, unused or unneeded wood, pens, USB%26#039;s, anything that can be reused and remade. For anything like rotten items, dead leaves, banana peels, etc. you can place them in a compost bin, but if you are growing plants in a yard, these can be placed and the ground to decompose and provide minerals and nutrients to the soil. Happy recycling!|||You may want to invest into a paper shadder for personal papers.|||Yes!of course u can, any kind of paper plastic or cardboard material can be put in the recycle bin, thanks 4 recycling

hope i could help : )|||Yes, except for anything with food residue or blister packs with paper glued to them. So yes, yes, yes, maybe, no/no/no, yes, no, and no.|||YESYES! Im glad to see there are people who care about the environment. IM PROUD OF YOU!

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