Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Need Spouse to Get serious about credit...How?

The gist of the story is that my hubby and I got d/c from chap 7 bankruptcy back in Feb. 07, since then my hubby and I have gotten a new car and a credit card(1 each) to rebuild %26amp; establish credit. I have educated myself on how to maintain good credit, my FICO has really improved(I make sure that I pay my credit card on time) %26amp; I%26#039;m excited about it, however, my hubby does not really take paying bills and credit too seriously. Everytime I offer to pay his side to help him out, he says that he will pay it and he%26#039;s ALWAYS late paying. I%26#039;m 4 mos preggo and I want a house in 2009, he wants one now, but his FICO is around 500 (it%26#039;s lower since the bankruptcy), mines have stretched 70 points since we have filed. How can I get him to be serious and concerned about the bills and about credit???

Need Spouse to Get serious about credit...How?loan officer

My husband and I decided that we would never get credit cards. It is just too tempting, and I personally don%26#039;t trust them. I mean, it is better to spend money you know you have. What if you spend money on your credit card and run into a really bad month and just can%26#039;t pay it. Plus, running up a credit card gets you into bankruptcy.

I have never had a credit card and I have built my credit up in different ways. (My husband did have credit cards before I knew him and he also got himself into financial debt because of it). I built up my credit by putting down a down payment on a car and paying most of it off with cash on the day I bought it. I had such a big down payment they put the rest on credit and I just paid monthly on the small amount left.

Then I got a apartment. I was able to get a apartment because my credit was good with the car. Apartments also bring up your credit if you pay on time and stay in a lease agreement.

I also got a cell phone for awhile to bring up my credit. I was in a contract with them and paid monthly until my contract was over.

I got 2 loans at different times for Christmas and also paid those off. That REALLY helped my credit.

My husband actually works with credit where he works and someone also told me a trick that brings up your credit. You go to a store and make a big purchase on your credit card. Say like a... fridge or a washer/dryer. The first two months you send in the amount the bill says and then on the third month you pay in full. You have to have the money to do this of course. Maybe around tax time. Just as long as you make sure you CAN pay it off early. It has to be a credit card where you can pay it off early and not hurt your credit doing it. ***Then.... cut the credit card after that big purchase so you don%26#039;t go spending crazy.***

I am only saying all this because I feel like if you give your husband a credit card that it might hurt your credit if he is not really serious about it. Some people can not be given credit cards because they just don%26#039;t understand about it, or they don%26#039;t care.

If you want to help your husband then make a bill book. Keep track of the bills and your spending together for a few months and then see if he can do it by himself. Maybe you can teach him about proper bill paying/credit by keeping track of it all in the book. Sooner or later it will make him care, because he will see all the figures in writing and put together.

Need Spouse to Get serious about credit...How?


Go to daveramsey.com and follow his plan to the letter. You will get out of debt and have a wonderful life! This plan is work, but it is a very successful one!|||As awful as this sounds...... he doesn%26#039;t sound like he is responsible with credit, or like he wants to improve.

My suggestion, take it or leave it:

Take away his credit card. If he can%26#039;t be responsible for it, then he should not have it. His credit affects yours and vice versa. You and your child on the way deserve the effects of your hard work. Make it %26quot;not an option%26quot; not to pay. If he wants to use credit, make him use it through you, that way you can control how much is spent according to how much he will be able to pay. Good luck with the hubby... and the baby on the way!|||Try the carrot instead of the stick. Bring him a beer and the checkbook and a stamp. Hold onto the beer until he picks up the pen. Another tip is to post a BIG calendar by something he values such as the TV or his car or workbench. Draw a BIG RED CIRCLE on the day he needs to send in the payment. Then x off each day with big black marker. When he does it on time, tell him what a hero he is.|||As the great financial counselor Dave Ramsey might say...

This is a marriage problem, not just a financial problem. If he won%26#039;t listen to you and take seriously something that%26#039;s so important, you%26#039;ve got a big lug on your hands who needs to be taken to counseling. If he won%26#039;t listen to that request, all the more reason he needs to learn to take your needs seriously!

Don%26#039;t treat this as a mathematical or economic issue. At the heart, this is a relationship / communication issue. Good luck!|||Okay, you just got out of bankruptcy and you go out and FINANCE NEW CARS?!?!?!?!?!?! That%26#039;s crazy. Did you learn anything from your experience? You should buy GOOD USED cars for CASH!

The other big flaw here is that you keep using MY and HIS. You are MARRIED! It is all OURS!!!

I would HIGHLY recommend that you guys dive into Dave Ramsey%26#039;s plan. You need to get on the same page. TALK to him and draw up a list of goals (financial and otherwise). Make sure that he sees how his decisions are affecting the two of you and how it will sabotage your efforts to buy a house, raise a family, and prevent another bankruptcy

www.daveramsey.com|||Visit http://www.crown.org/ They have lots of suggestions on how to handle this matter in a Godly way.

Pray for your husband first and foremost. Then have a serious sit down about spending habits and your goals. Remember to be loving. Men want to be hero%26#039;s, and you can lead him in that direction by showing him exactly what it is going to take to make ends meet with your growing family. Make a budget, and include upcoming expenses; including hospital bills, diapers, formula, and insurance.

I hope this helps.|||If I understand you have gone Bankrupt seven times.

If it means that you both were involved neither of you should have a credit card.

if it was the result of your Husband my first thought is get rid of him.

But of course love is blind.

The only way is to buy a good pair of scissors, and cut up all his and yours credit cards.

the only way to stay out of the Red, is to not have a credit card.

get a Visa card just a debit card that way you can%26#039;t spend more than you have in the bank.

I noted that someone had advised you to go to Davie Ramsay Web Sight, this is a man that was in real Estate and went broke so he decided to promote ways of making money and he has been successfully only by the week minded who thought it was a get rich quick scream.

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