Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is God a monster or it was because He knew it was ok for me to do that. pls read......thanx?

I%26#039;ve backslidden and I%26#039;ve made so many mistakes. 1) because I wasn%26#039;t a servant of God anymore. 2) Because my aunt who lives in Haiti expects my dad to take care of her but my dad himself has his own problems, she sent bad luck to me and evil spirits to destroy me. Nothing I did worked and I ended up dead broke. I cried to God for forgiveness n help and when God showed that person who did that to me, I wasn%26#039;t the same person anymore.

That%26#039;s a long story, lets me be specific.

After many nights of prayers, God gave me power to rebuke these spirits, sent them back where they came from but God wouldn%26#039;t help me financially not even $ to put gas. I couldn%26#039;t bare anymore. 1 day i receive a credit card offer for my mom n i used it 2 survive. I was able 2 pay it off. Now, I get another in her name 2 join a good program that i know i will succeed in. R%26amp;S judged me that i sinned(check my last ?). I know 4 this is the only way 2 make up lost time.

What do u think?

Is God a monster or it was because He knew it was ok for me to do that. pls read......thanx?rate my

What are you talking about---sin??? Let me tell you that most of us struggle with money issues, and many people are in some type of debt. Whatever other sins you are referring to...remember you are a human being and make mistakes. Just pick yourself back up and continue doing the best you can.

Is God a monster or it was because He knew it was ok for me to do that. pls read......thanx? loan

God will, has, helped you,,, by giving you intelligence and a body,,, you need to use both to get work, so that you can support yourself,,,,, you also have the knowledge to know that what you did was wrong,,,,, and using your moms name now is wrong,,,,, so,,, gather up enough money to buy a newspaper, look for help wanted ads,, you can even go by the newspaper office and get a Sunday paper, if you cant find one anyplace else today,,,, the Sunday one has more opportunities in it,,,,,,,,,,if transportation is a problem, use the feet God gave you and find a job you can walk to,,,,,,, Gods help is not in sending you money, or false ways to get ahead for right now,,,,,,, the gift is in making your own way threw life,,,,|||It sounds like your aunt is an evil old witch and I%26#039;m afraid it%26#039;s all over for you. Your life has been completely destroyed and none of it is your fault. So now you are going to die and go straight to hell and you have your aunt to blame. sorry. xx|||God can only help you if you help yourself, do what is right and everything will fall into place.|||If you think God is a monster, you will be feeling pretty bad when those monsters from Haiti come for you and you don%26#039;t have God to protect you. I would praise Him rather than falsely accuse Him.|||You should ask God, not Yahoo Answers.|||If you can abandon your attempt to explain the world in religious terms and try to just see it for what it is you will clear your mind of a lot of the nonsense that is confusing you.

I think you need to be responsible for your own life and not live off of your mom. You are using religion as an excuse for your stupid behavior.|||Dude, you need to read and study scripture, find a good non spiritism based church, and stop believe the spirits are out to get you. The only spirit that wants you is the holy Spirit. You are attributing bad circumstances to the unseen world with no justification. Quit watching Ghost Whisperer. Ask God to lead you step by step with open doors of opportunity rather than just throwing it in your lap. Maybe you have not given yourself over to God and are still trying to force your own way and asking God to bless you. Lose your life. Do not fret and trust Him. That%26#039;s what I think!|||The bible says, in Jude 9, %26#039;Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said %26quot;The LORD rebuke you!%26#039;%26quot;

I don%26#039;t think that God gave you power to rebuke any spirits, but that you heard from more evil spirits, posing as God, to fool you and draw you farther from God. Ask God for help, pray all night, or until you get an answer. Keep praying throughout the day, and don%26#039;t stop until you have peace in your spirit.

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