Saturday, July 11, 2009

HELP with bad credit?

Basic story is I%26#039;m a 19 year old college student with about $3000 in credit card debt. I have 3 credit cards with $1000 on them each. My bank just screwed me over bc a deposit didnt clear in time and I got hit with 7 $35 fees so I%26#039;m really negative. I also have a $75 cellphone bill over due, as well as overdue payments for each card in the amounts of $50, $225, and $75. Any ideas how I can get myself outta this mess. I just got a job but dont get paid for another week, and Ive been trying to transfer to a new card with no interest on balance transfer, but everyone keeps denying my %26quot;pre-approved%26quot; offers, and now creditors have started calling. HELP

HELP with bad credit?credit check

File for bankruptcy.

Actually no. Call your bank and have them reverse some of the charges, save your money and pay off what you can, pay off the minimums on each and manage your money better. That%26#039;s the best you can do for the immediate.

If worse comes to worst, explain to the creditors that you need more time and to ask for payment plans (one level below bankruptcy.)

HELP with bad credit?


can%26#039;t you borrow from your parents until your payday?|||start to make the payments, then you will get prizes. Offer the creditors cupcakes too|||you got yourself into a bind...big time. I have no idea what to do now all i can say is STAY AWAY from credits cards in the future...they are killer|||thats%26#039;s a tough one|||Sure, but you%26#039;re not going to like it.

Cancel the cell phone (yes, I know, early termination fees, but still.)

And get another job - so that you%26#039;re working TWO Jobs. Delivering pizzas is a good one, because of the tips. Or waiting tables.

$3,000 really isn%26#039;t much debt, but I hope it%26#039;s enough to turn you off credit cards forever. They are nothing except a tool of voluntary enslavement. Think about it.|||you really don%26#039;t owe that much. Honestly, tell the creditors you just started working, and you will start making payments. They will want you to tell them when and how much... stick to your guns, if you can afford $20 a month, tell them you will pay them $20 a month... they will try and work something out.. and jsut make all your payments on time and they will leave you alone about it. Been there. Don%26#039;t go getting more cards, it%26#039;s a game that just gets you further behind the 8 ball... the bounced cheques will go away with good payment history.. dont%26#039; worry about it. I would drop your cell plan to a lower monthly bill for now.. less minutes etc.

Big pain in the butt, but make a budget. How much do you bring in a month and take away all your fixed expenses (rent, food etc) and your left over, take the min. monthly payments you owe and make the payment, if you don%26#039;t have it, don%26#039;t worry, if you get into trouble, you still can access that money right. you should take all the money you get for the first few cheques and make big payments... you can then use yoru cards to buy groceries etc as well, and as far as the company is concerned you made your payments on time.

It%26#039;ll take time, try to not use one card at all... when it%26#039;s paid, close it. then do the same with the other 2 cards, when one is paid close it, then pay the 3rd off and keep it, and use it, and PAY IT ON TIME... will help improve yoru credit by having established credit that%26#039;s paid on time|||I just have some articles on credit card debt : Consolidate Credit Card Debt To Solve Financial Problems? , Reducing Credit Card Debt - It%26#039;s Never Too Late To Start , Credit Card Balance Transfer, if you are interest, you can take a look at http://avoid-bankruptcy-get-debt-consoli...

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