Saturday, July 11, 2009

I can't pay back my credit cards anymore.?

I have 3 credit cards. All of them maxed out. One of them is American Express and they are charging me 25.99% ...

I can%26#039;t pay them anymore, it%26#039;s just too much and besides I can%26#039;t even use the card...

My other card is a Visa - 6.99% low minimum payments - This card I can afford to pay the minimum payments AND the interest.

Another card I have also has a good interest rate but the minimum payments are too high.

Can I call the companies and offer to only pay interest? They can stop my cards no problem as I do so. Will only pay interest ruin my credit?

Does not paying Amex is worse than not paying other creditors?

I%26#039;m in deep, deep ,deep financial trouble...this is completely ruinning my life, sleep, health and so on...

I can%26#039;t pay back my credit cards anymore.?military loans

Credit card debt consolidation counselors are experts with a good knowledge of debt management, budgeting and behavioral patterns of credit card holders. These services are vital for those struggling to manage their credit card debts. Also called credit counseling or debt counseling the credit card debt consolidation counseling brings immediate relief to a credit card holder.

A person seeking credit counseling can get it from two types of organizations. The professional or commercial organizations, and the non-profit organizations. As depicted by its name or categorization, the commercial organizations charge money for their credit counseling sessions and consolidation help on the other hand the non-profit organizations offer free of charge services. Just because the non-profit organizations are free, it doesn%26#039;t undermine their quality of service. The persons associated with such organizations are thorough experts and have lived the trauma of being under credit card debt themselves and hence bring their vital experience to the credit card holder.

When a person approaches a credit counseling agency, the first thing it will do is to take stock of the situation and get various facts about the credit card debt. The credit counseling agency collects data about the income, expenditure and spending habits. It will guide the credit card holder about budgeting benefits and try to inculcate good financial habits. Read more from:

I can%26#039;t pay back my credit cards anymore.?


Well Einstein, you should have thought about this BEFORE you decided to live beyond your means. What were you thinking?

I don%26#039;t think it matters who you don%26#039;t pay. If you owe too much you may have to consider bankruptcy. Now normally I strongly believe that people should pay their bills, but with the way CC companies keep tempting people like your self who have no self control with offers of CC, I think they deserve to have a few bad debts.

Once you clear up this mess, stop buying what you can%26#039;t afford!|||Call all of your creditors, explain your situation and ask them for a hardship program all credit card companies have them but you have to be persistent|||You need to call each company and be honest with them. If they are not willing to work with you, then perhaps it is time to call a debt consolidation company. A debt consolidation compant will pay off your debt and work with you in order to create a payment schedule that you can afford. You make only one payment a month, to them. Entering into a contract with a debt consolidation company does leave a %26quot;black mark%26quot; on your credit history and will affect your credit score, however, it will benefit you in the long run as it will affect your credit far less than falling into delinquency with various companies. Good luck and please take care of this sooner than later.|||some payment is better than no payment. Call the card companies and tell them you are having a hard time with the minimum payments and see if they can work with you. A lot of times they will work to the best of their ability because they want to be paid and not have too many customers in collections. As far as them cancelling your card, they have every right. It%26#039;s their card, in your name, it was never your card. Sometimes talking to a credit consolidation company can help to so you only have to make one payment a month, just a suggestion. But definitly call the credit companies or you%26#039;ll be in a lot worse financial state.

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