Saturday, July 11, 2009

What do I do with an old tenant's mail that keeps coming to my mailbox?

I%26#039;ve lived in this apartment for about 2 months, and since then I%26#039;ve been receiving this guy%26#039;s bank statements, credit card bills, offers, etc...Curiosity got the best of me one time and I opened a letter from a credit card company with some very harsh wording regarding an unpaid balance in the thousands...I don%26#039;t know what the polite thing to do is.

What do I do with an old tenant%26#039;s mail that keeps coming to my mailbox?credit card offers

Sounds like this guy is on the lamb or just plain stupid.

He forgot to notify the post office of his new address.

I would throw all the mail in a box and send a letter to the postmaster informing him or her that the old tenant no longer lives there and that you have this mail. That would be the polite thing to do and also stop the mail from coming to you!

What do I do with an old tenant%26#039;s mail that keeps coming to my mailbox?


Use it as toilet paper. It may hurt for awhile but you%26#039;ll save lots of money. Report It

|||put it back or give it to mail person|||Maybe ask the apartment manager for his new address. I used to get catalogues for adult movies in the mail. I kept them. :))|||I usually put a note on the mail saying the person no longer lives there and if that doesn%26#039;t work, I tape a note in the mailbox itself where the mail man can%26#039;t miss it saying %26quot;Jones Only%26quot; (Not my real name). If that doesn%26#039;t work, I would go directly to the local p.o. and tell them in person. Also, you don%26#039;t want to open someone else%26#039;s mail. It%26#039;s a federal offense!|||In addition to the answer jsb3i gave, if it is 1st class mail gather it in a bundle with a rubber band. On the top piece write, %26quot;Person has moved and no longer lives here. Address unknown.%26quot; then either give it to your postal delivery person or take it to your post office.|||I%26#039;d put it back in the outgoing mail and write on it %26quot;incorrect address%26quot;

or just catch the mail man and see what he says you should do.

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