Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wife Forged Name On Credit Cards (HELP!)?

My brother needs help. I%26#039;ll try to make the history quick. Wife of 28 years wants divorce out of the blue. He does a credit check and finds she forged his name to several credit cards and ran up about 60K in debt. Also found out IRS has a 30K tax lean against his house on her (not him, they file seperate).

Afraid of credit fraud charges, she signs divorce papers to take responsibility for all but 17K of credit cards (two cards my brother had opened himself, but didn%26#039;t know anything was on them). Now those two cards are saying debt is like 30K, and he is also getting calls from the debt she signed the court order for. Companies are threatening to garnish his wages, etc. She is hiding out (but working as a nurse) so they are coming after thim. Divorce is finalized. She won%26#039;t even respond to offers on the house, one of which was 100K.

How does he make those cards he%26#039;s not responsible for get off his back? And how does he work out the debt with the others? Divorce lawyer is clueless.

Wife Forged Name On Credit Cards (HELP!)?postage rate

As they say about relationships: made in heaven, settled in court...

Wife Forged Name On Credit Cards (HELP!)? loan

Its called identy theft x wife or not call the authoritys. She was given a chance she has did it sence. Time for jail.|||He needs to tell the divorce attorney to talk to people at the court house, have them run the ex%26#039;s SS through and see what shows up for her place of employment. Then that attorney needs to take it from there.|||Well she was your wife when she didn;t it so it%26#039;s not going to matter|||Dude, this is a really serious problem. I would suggest you get involved and help your brother by helping to clear up car problems. phone the companies and ask them to do a card check, whick should hopefully clear up the problems for your brother. I hope your problem is solved, it isnt an easy thing to go through, so stay at your brothers side through it.|||He might have to file bankruptcy, and I think he should file charges against her for signing his name to credit cards, that is forgery. He needs to get tough, get a criminal lawyer and get rid of the problems.|||Tough one... my hubby went thru the same not as much debt but about 25,000. He filed chapter 7 bankruptcy, it was his only choice. It ruined his credit but with careful planning we are rebuilding it. Good luck to you brother.|||Ouch! See what a wonderful thing called marriage can do!|||Contact CC companies and tell them it is fraud. He has to be willing to press charges though. Only problem would be the two cards he opened accounts on, if she was a supplemental cardholder on either one he may be responsible.

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