Saturday, July 11, 2009

How do these banks compare in services and credit cards for a small business: Wachovia vs Bank of Am

I am trying to choose between these two banks- unless there%26#039;s another credit card that would be better than what these banks offer...

How do these banks compare in services and credit cards for a small business: Wachovia vs Bank of America?loans uk


I have been a customer of Wachovia for almost 3 years now. I moved from Europe to the US... From day one, i just accumulate disappointment with Wachovia. The customer service is really poor if not existing....They became really interested when i transferrd my Euro to the US and opened a Money Market...On top of that it took me 2 years to get a credit card... Now I%26#039;m hunting for a mortgage and the story continues. Poor support and answers.

I will switch to Bank Of Amercia in the next 3 weeks. The rational behind that is only based on testimony from more than 10 people close to me....

This is my personal experience. Sure we will find people with opposite experience.

Note that I heard that Wachovia use to be a great bank who did care about its customers but since Wachovia has been bought by First Union (bad bank reputation), the customer is not the priority anymore...

Hope it will help

How do these banks compare in services and credit cards for a small business: Wachovia vs Bank of America?


I do not know about Wachovia, but I would

not recommend Bank of America at all.

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