Sunday, August 9, 2009

I am trying to pay off my credit card which is in collections its over 4,000?

I called the company and they said that they only way i could start to make payments is by first paying 1,259 by the end of themonth which is in 2 two weeks if i don%26#039;t they are threstning to sue why sue when i made them an offer of 300 per month

I am trying to pay off my credit card which is in collections its over 4,000?student loan consolidation

They cannot sue you. However, they can take you to court and have a judgement placed against you for the amount of the debt. You have the right to attend this court hearing. If they do actually take you to court, make sure that you tell the judge you offered to make reasonable payments of $300 a month which they did not accept. You%26#039;ll want to keep a log of all your conversations, including date, time and who you spoke too. If a judgement is entered against you, and a payment plan is not put in place by the judge, they can than file a motion to garnish your wages, freeze your checking account, assets, etc. If you own a home, the judgement can become a lien against the property that must be paid if you refinance or sell.

They can choose to charge whatever amount they%26#039;d like to start a payment plan with you personally as long as the amount is applied to the balance of the debt. The only thing you really can do at this point is stay calm, and reiterate to them that you can%26#039;t afford to pay that amount, but you can afford to pay $300 a month towards the debt. Eventually they may take the offer.

I am trying to pay off my credit card which is in collections its over 4,000?


they won%26#039;t do anything. first, if the $4,000 isnt a settlement, negotiate a settlement amount. most of it is probably fees and finance charges. See how low they will settle for. if you offer them a payment amount they will take it. offer them what you feel comfortable paying, because if they file a judgement against you, all thats going to happen is a court mediation to work out a payment arrangement. don%26#039;t let them tell you what to pay, tell them what you are going to pay and let them figure it out.|||Well dont be afraid of them threatening you. They are just playing the scare tactic. They want to get whatever they want out of you. For them that is not a large amount of money but every penny counts so they will get whatever they can. Call them and tell them what you will pay or if you dont want to talk to them just send what you can. Either way what are they going to do in court? They will only get what you can afford in payments. 1,259 by the end of the month is ridiculous and they should not ask for an unreasonable amount within two weeks. You know if they did that in court the judge would frown upon them for being unreasonable anyways.|||Get a bank loan and pay the whole amount that you owe them. The rates on bank loans are a heck of a lot lower than credit cards. If you don%26#039;t have enough equity for a loan, then ask a family member or friend to co-sign a loan. Good luck!!|||FROM EXPERIENCE.... tell them when they will accept 60% of that amount that they need to STOP calling you.... give them a couple of days and they%26#039;ll accept. They are threatening you because that%26#039;s what they do to get as much as they can to get a bonus out of it. If you fall for it, they win, if you threaten them back they know you know the game.... ( I know someone who used to be on that side of the threats so I know how they work) it%26#039;s called a bluff. When it%26#039;s in collections settle for half or go for the 60%, almost always it works.... and that amount will be DONE!|||Ari? They cant sue him but they can take him to court and have a judgment placed??? How do you get a judgment without a lawsuit??

They sue, they win and than they are granted their judgment. Cant have a judgment without a lawsuit...unless of course you sign a stipulation and its entered by defualt.

Moving, will they do it? Sure why not? If they want, they can sue you for any amount. If the balance is low...they can sue you in small claims. If they want.

Do they want? Why not? Collection attorneys work on a contingency basis...meaning they dont get paid till the bill collector gets paid. If the bill collector doesnt get paid than the attorney never gets paid. So what exactly does the bill collector have to lose?

As far as costs for court...well they rate anywhere from 250.00-500.00 depending on the court and location. No big deal. Besides, those costs will be added to the judgment with interest for you to pay back. Again they have nothing to lose.

Do they have to accept your payment plan? No. There is no law that enforces a bill collector to accept ANY payment plan you throw at them. They can take your payment, post it and still sue you. If he wants to be an a$$hole about it, he has the right to demand payment in full.

What can you do? Bill Collectors can not threaten you that they are going to sue you and not do it. They cant lie about it. It is in violation of the Fair Debts Collection Practices Acts (FDCPA). If he is telling you he is going to sue you than he probably is...thats not to say that some bill collectors wont commit violations, there are plenty that do and plenty that dont. So if you want to call it a bluff...just remember there is a big chance its not.

Tell them to stop calling you?? If someone tells me to stop calling them... I will stop right away. But I will have them served within the week. I will sue him and it will cost him more than it would have if he just finished the deal with me. A deal that we both agreed on. Negotiation is the key but dont try and give them an ultimatum. I dont mind negotiating with anyone but if I ever get an ultimatum I pull the trigger and boom...theres a knock on their door..Oops here comes the process server with a subpoena to appear in court.

If your hearing as this interest crap...Im sure there was some type of interest agreement in your terms and conditions. They will add the interest as agreed on and the court will 99.9% award it to them.

If people are telling you to dispute it and I seen this many times...and the debt is dispute a valid debt he will sue you for sure and validate it for you in court. Dont push him to pull the trigger. Only dispute things that are not valid.

First, google the FDCPA and read up on your rights, educate yourself so that you can stand up for yourself and know what you are dealing with. Next, call them closer to the end of the month when they are trying to close books and make numbers look pretty and offer them to settle for a less amount. Start by offering 40% and they consider it paid in full. Tell them that you are having financial hardships...dont push it or lie too much cause they have means of finding out that will take them about 3 minutes to do it. They will probably work you up a little to settle for a higher amount...but dont let them work you up too much. Sound %26quot;firm but honest%26quot;. Dont let him push you around but dont piss him off either. Make one bulk settlement payment and close out.

If your going to settle dont give them any information or money unless you get in writing that they agree to close your account as settled in full for the amount of money you agreed on.

Otherwise, try your payment plan and figure out if he was using a %26quot;scare tactic%26quot; like the other guy said.

Heard of %26quot;stall tactic%26quot; but in the many many years of being in this business I never heard of a %26quot;scare tactic%26quot;. Bill collectors just call it %26quot;Bull $hitting%26quot;.

Dont ever assume that %26quot;they cant%26quot; or %26quot;they wont%26quot; or you have rights and laws that protects you.

Of course there is recourse! There is a reason why they are in business and generating millions, if not billions a year. They have rights as well and there are laws that protect them and laws that provide them with remedies to resolve situations such as the one your in now.

If you have any me and I will be happy to help you out to the best of my abilities.

Good Luck|||Check out the free evaluation form at the source website; they can help.

I am settling a debt with a credit card company. How do i avoid a 1099-C.?

The collection agency sent me a settlement offer. Can i add any language in my response to avoid a 1099-C.

I was thinking of saying %26quot;apply to principle first%26quot; or %26quot;this is payment of a contested liability.%26quot;

appreciate any response.

I am settling a debt with a credit card company. How do i avoid a 1099-C.?small business loans

If you pay less than the full amount owed, there is no way of avoiding a 1099-C that I know of.

What kind of birthday reward does a Victoria's Secret credit card holder get?

I just had my birthday and I recently got a coupon from them in the mail for a free cotton panty and $10 off any full priced bra.

I was wondering if this was supposed to be my birthday reward or was this a promotional offer that they sent everybody?

What kind of birthday reward does a Victoria%26#039;s Secret credit card holder get?bank loan

nope they send u a $10 off any thing in the store most of the time its a hot pink colored card

Which companies that allow a website to accept credit card payments have a good reputation?

I want to allow visa, mastercard etc on my website. There seem to be lots of companies offering such services. I%26#039;m looking for a good company. Thanks.

Which companies that allow a website to accept credit card payments have a good reputation?loan officer

There are a zillion companies offering merchant processing out there.. many games and confusing rates.

There are many good choices out there, but remember you are actually contracting with a bank, with the merchant company only acting as an agent.

The best Merchant Bank Agent Office will be one that has:

1. Dedicated rep that is assigned to your account .. not %26quot;pot luck%26quot; at the end of an 800 number.

2. A rep and a Merchant Bank that understand ecommerce. Your local bank is not the choice.

3. Competetive discount rate for MC/VISA .. Why pay 2.49% for Qualified Rate when you can get 2.15% with no gimmicks?

4. Low rate ads are most likely teasers listing a pin debit rate, which don%26#039;t apply to the rest of the account.

5. What are the mid-qualified and non qualified rate tiers? Industry norm is nearly 5% for cards that don%26#039;t meet %26quot;qualified%26quot; rate tier .... You can get 3.75%

I could go on and on... this is my particular niche with some great banks and you are certainly welcome to contact me.

To answer your question directly .. seek a relationship with:

JP Morgan Chase entities (Many) ..

Avoid CardService or other mass marketed merchant account solutions.


Edit - You did not mention your volume, or what you wanted a merchant account for. Both of those are very important. Also, how much is the average charge? A large %26quot;Average Ticket%26quot; can cause addition qualification requirements.

The other poster mentioning Paypal as an alternative is correct. If you are going to do less than $5K monthly, you will save only a little over paypal, however paypal gets nervous too with large charges , and you are paying up to 3%

Which companies that allow a website to accept credit card payments have a good reputation?


There are many, but PayPal offers the best services that I have experienced. It%26#039;s free to join as well, so that%26#039;s always a huge benefit.

Is there a Spanish line to apply for Juniper Visa Credit Card?

When I call their number, I get no prompts for Spanish as most companies offer.

Is there a Spanish line to apply for Juniper Visa Credit Card?quick loan

Get an english speaker customer service rep on the line and see if they can transfer you over to a spanish speaking rep.

Is there a Spanish line to apply for Juniper Visa Credit Card? loan

no entiendo

I am 17 years old, can I get a credit card?

I have a good job, I pay back all my debts and I feel like I can handle one.

Can I get one? I work for Loblaws who handles the PC Mastercards and I got offered one but I dont want to take it if i am going to get in alot of trouble

I am 17 years old, can I get a credit card?fast loan

No you can%26#039;t get one, you are not allowed to enter into credit agreements until you 18.

It would not be allowed either with your parents co signing, your name cannot go onto the credit agreement at all.

Unfortunately, your only option is to wait until you are 18.

I am 17 years old, can I get a credit card?


think u got to be 18|||You have to be 18 i%26#039;m sure|||I thought you had to be 18 before you could get credit. Having had a credit card myself, if you are sure you could be strict with yourself, then go for it, but only if you can pay the balance every month so you do not accrue interest.

Why not just save up for things that you want?

Credit is dangerous and its young people like you that are vulnerable.|||they wouldnt offer u one if u ***** have it..u wont get in trouble for applying..if they reject you cos of your age then you will know u have to be 18|||I%26#039;m 42 and I don%26#039;t wan%26#039;t to get near a credit card. You%26#039;ll learn when your time comes.|||You have to be 18 yrs of age. Apply for one then.|||You have to be 18 to get credit in the UK. They are on about raising this limit to 21.|||Sorry Jade, you have to be 18. The offer you%26#039;ve had will be rejected once you fill in the form, and they see your Date of Birth|||in the UK you have to be 18 to have a credit card|||CIAO SONO VALE MI SONO INFILTRATA!!!





HELP!!|||You have to be 18 to get a credit card, why not have a switch card with a free overdraft|||In Uk all Credit Cards are issued to people of 18 years and over. They are handy to have but If you don%26#039;t really need one then I wouldn%26#039;t bother applying when your next birthday comes round. Buy what you need to buy with the money you earn and don%26#039;t give the big banks any of your money for simply giving you an alternative buying choice.|||ye i think so|||I don%26#039;t think you can get a credit card. I know you can have a bank account card, but it won%26#039;t be like a debit mastercard or anything like that because you must be 18 years old...don%26#039;t rush will be there soon! I am 18 and I%26#039;ve been getting credit cards offers for years, but don%26#039;t take them because you aren%26#039;t of age and it will keep you out of debt.|||18 is the age limit, I%26#039;m afraid.|||In the uk you have to be 18, the only one who can get in to trouble with it is you. If you dont spend more than you can afford to pay back then you will be ok. It is a good way of building up your credit rating.|||I doubt you%26#039;d be the one who gets in trouble if they violated some sort of rule by sending you the card.|||you got to be 18 to sign the legal stuff for credit - sorry|||no you can%26#039;t get a credit card till your 18|||In UK you have to be 18 I%26#039;m afraid....not sure why, seeing as you work....maybe you can be included on a parents card?? as a named person...not sure about that...but the Parent is responsible for the debt.....|||You have to be 18 to get a credit card, period. You can try to get a student credit card but I don%26#039;t think it will work.|||i thought you had to be 18 to have one .....but there not great and usually just allow you spend what you dont have which is never a good idea|||You should leave credit cards alone. You will soon get into debt and may find it difficult to make the repayments.|||My cat received a visa card. Her name is Shadow. The card reads Shadow (.....) [my last name]. They just want your money. If you don%26#039;t abuse the card and make the payments on will help build your credit rating. Later in life you will need a credit card. Anytime I want to rent a car or make room reservations in a hotel..they want a credit card number. At 17...I felt like I could handle it. Use it and pay it off when you get the bill.|||YES, YOU COULD DEFINATELY GET A CREDIT CARD AT 17. I GOT MY FIRST CREDIT CARD AT 17. THEY SENT ME THE APPLICATION, BUT MY PARENT/GUARDIAN HAD TO CO SIGN FOR IT. THE CREDIT CARD I THAT OFFERS THIS IS CAPITAL ONE.|||You usually have to be 18 to sign a legal document. A full time job will also help. If you are going to univ or college, some banks offer students credit cards as a promotion; they advertise on campus.

If you use the card responsibly, you don%26#039;t get into trouble. Thar means being able to prepare a budget based on your income and living withing that budget (including long term savings, if possible); you make charges within your budget and pay them off each month. It also means that you avoid impulse buying or using the card for non-essentials when you money is tight. If you use the card responsibly, you can build up a credit rating (a record of paying the money you owe, when it is due). which will help you get money for a car loan or mortgage in the future.

You get into trouble if you can%26#039;t pay back your credit card debts. I know people who have run up tens of thousands of dollars in debt. The banks also charge high interest rates on credit card debt, which can make a dent in your budget, even if the debt is relatively small.|||in the uk you have to be 18 to get one, elsewhere it depends on local laws. I doubt if you would get one even with connections, so I would wait until you are 18. When you are get one which gives you money back on purchases eg Capital Ones. And pay it by direct debit in full. If you ever can%26#039;t pay in full cut up the card and use a debit card instead.|||You can not enter into legal contracts until you reach the ago of majority. In most states that is 18.

Even so, why would you want one. You%26#039;re doing fine without it. Why go into debt just so you can say you have a credit card?|||If you have to ask if you can have one then you are not ready for the responsibility of having one. Sorry, establish credit with your bank and get one with their support and don%26#039;t ask anyone if you can have one just get it.

Is this legit? I got an interview for a credit card machine company?

It%26#039;s an outside sales job and the company pays an okay base plus commision. They offer benefits. BUT they say I can work from home and only have to go into the office every so often.

Is this legit? I got an interview for a credit card machine company?va loan

A company name would help. You can check with the Better Business Bureau.

Is this legit? I got an interview for a credit card machine company? loan

Yeah, like above said, try and research the company. But just a sales job working from home is not necessarily fishy. Like a loan officer from home, you are just expected to contact people and sell your product. There is no real reason you would need to be in the office to do that.

For a %26quot;real%26quot; job though, you shouldn%26#039;t have to pay anything to get started, that would be a red flag in my opinion.|||definitely. I have a friend who is doing the same thing and she goes into the office once a week just to let her boss know what%26#039;s going on in addition to her email and orders. it is also important to socialize a little. Good luck

How does a credit check for work look like?

I%26#039;ve been offered a job at Amex which I would really like to have. They will be running a credit check on me and this is where my concern starts...I%26#039;ve been 2,5 years in the UK and never had any problems, have all bills paid via Direct Debit, have a contract for the phone,internet, pet insurance, my bank offered me a credit card etc. Though...I do have some debts back in my country and I am paying them back slowly. Does the credit check run this far? Will they be able to access my accounts and financial data back home?

How does a credit check for work look like?fha loan

I found this nice government site that I hope helps you:

good luck!

My girlfriend wants to borrow money 500 dollars for credit card, and wants to use my lab top new tha

I don%26#039;t use my lab top much, she is like i dunno why you bought it. She wants like 750 dollars, which i did say i would help but that was when she got mad and hung up on me. so i am confused, if she just needs support or using me / we have been together 1 yr. She wants to use my computer to start up her business cuz her computer is outdated. So I ended up offering a couple hundred.

My girlfriend wants to borrow money 500 dollars for credit card, and wants to use my lab top new that i do%26#039;ntsecured loan

Don%26#039;t be a fool............let her get a loan from a financial institution.

Her loan can also include $ towards a new computer.

Can%26#039;t she get help from her parents?

Be firm and just say no to all her request.

My girlfriend wants to borrow money 500 dollars for credit card, and wants to use my lab top new that i do%26#039;nt


Stop acting like a sugar daddy. If she wants to include you as a partner in her business then help her, if not then guaranteed you will end up in small claims court if you want anything you give her, back.|||I would honestly watch it...esp if she%26#039;s throwing a temper tantrum because you won%26#039;t give her 750..also - are u giving it to her or are u lending it to far from your description....sounds like she%26#039;s taking the %26quot;what%26#039;s yours is mine%26quot; approach. addition to giving her;re giving her your laptop too....what would u say to a friend that was in the same situation.

Also - what happened when you gave her a couple hundred...did she instantly back off temporarily? If she did - what does that tell you?

Not cool;re not her;re her bf....keep those separate.

She might also want to look into taking out a loan for her business rather than taking all of your stuff.|||Run Forest Run....

As far away as you can. You are just asking for trouble if you stay with her. She needs the money to pay off a Credit Card and she wants to start a Business????|||You%26#039;re not married and it doesn%26#039;t even sound like you%26#039;re engaged. Because of that you are obligated to get something in writing signed by her that this is a loan, weather it%26#039;s for the money or the use of the lap top, otherwise you put yourself at risk for being used. If she wants this as a business start up, then she should understand and not have a problem with it being a business loan from you. Good luck.|||if you guy are going to get married or something like that then go ahead.|||Depends on your financial situation. If you are really close to one another and you have the money, just give it to her. If you don%26#039;t have the money, don%26#039;t do it. It appears she is a little controlling/demanding for hanging up on you like this. If she needs the money, make her earn it by being nice to you. If you loan her the money, your relationship will change and not for the better. Like I said, if you have the money and won%26#039;t miss it to bad, just give it to her. If you two end up married, you haven%26#039;t lost it anyways. If you don%26#039;t get married, you gave a girlfriend a nice gift which she will hopefully remember from you.

I have already downloaded 2 games and paid for them with my credit card?

and I know other sites offer free games. Can anyone tell me where I can get the Sims from?

I have already downloaded 2 games and paid for them with my credit card?cheap loans

which games? If you email me with the email you signed up under and the registration key, i will trade you for the Fish Tycoon sim game.

Where can I get a laptop for free? No credit cards or anything.?

Like I said it can%26#039;t have any credit cards or any promotional offers. You just give your address and they mail it to you.

Where can I get a laptop for free? No credit cards or anything.?consolidation loans

dude, don%26#039;t give your address, you%26#039;ll get caught that way! They%26#039;re not gonna mail you anything, it%26#039;s just an old trick so they%26#039;ll be able to find you later and take your butt to jail!

The easiest way is to hang out a local internet cafe or a nearby college campus, plenty of %26#039;free%26#039; laptops. Only cost is some energy, cause you might have to run really fast for a short distance if you don%26#039;t grab a %26#039;free%26#039; laptop quickly and quietly enough.

Good Luck!

Where can I get a laptop for free? No credit cards or anything.?


Click the link below for free laptop|||try this one

Are merchants allowed to ask for ID when I pay with my Visa card?

Today a cashier asked to see my identification when I tried to pay for something with my Visa credit card. I thought they weren%26#039;t allowed to do that. When I asked why it was necessary she assured me that it was for my protection, that she needed to know that I was really me and not someone who had stolen the card (this was before the card was swiped or she even looked at the signature). I searched the Visa website and the only time merchants are instructed to ask for ID is when the card is unsigned. With all the fraud protection offered by the credit card companies it seems unreasonable and insulting that I should have to prove I%26#039;m not a theif! Can I refuse to show my ID? If I won%26#039;t show my ID, can the merchant refuse to accept my perfectly good, non-stolen credit card?

Are merchants allowed to ask for ID when I pay with my Visa card?student loans company

I seem to always make people angry when I type this answer, but, I didn%26#039;t make the credit card policies.

It is against Visa, MasterCard and AmEx policy for a merchant to request ID when the card has a proper signature.

If a merchant requests ID, when the card has a proper signature, and the person files a complaint with Visa, MC or AmEx - the merchant may receive a warning. If more complaints are filed, the merchant may receive a fine and/or lose the right to take whichever credit card (Visa, MC or AmEx)

It is against credit card policy for a merchant to request a fee for using a credit card for purchases - It is also against the law in some states.

If a properly signed credit card is stolen, the card holder is only liable for the first $50. If the card company realizes that the card had not been properly signed, the card holder may be responsible for the full amount of any charges due because of the theft.

Are merchants allowed to ask for ID when I pay with my Visa card?


Each store has it%26#039;s own policy, some of which require ID for credit card purchases. If you refuse to show ID, they have the right to refuse your sale. Their store, their policy.|||no they are not allowed to do that i should my dad this question and he said no they cannot do that.|||I don%26#039;t know about the rules but I am asked to provide I.D most every time I use my Visa card. I have perfect credit history. I guess that I must look like a thief. lol.|||It is absolutely for your safety. I always thank clerks when they ask. It%26#039;s quite easy for someone to steal your wallet and use your credit card. If the clerk asks for a photo ID she can compare the photo to you, then compare the name and signature on the card.

I always had my staff check ID when there was a purchaser that they%26#039;d never met before (most of our sales are repeat purchases). It protects the store but most of all it protects you!|||they are supposed to ask ..that%26#039;s to protect you from someone else using your card without your permission...most places don%26#039;t ask ...but they should..that would help keep the fraud should be glad they ask...when someone steals your card you might appreciate that they do|||Each store has a policy. I would be flattered in this day and age that someone took the time to actually ask me for it. In my business, I have a quick response time for a stolen credit card, they may not or have had some issues in the past. Visa is constantly changing the rules about things and merchants lose out on revenue because someone didn%26#039;t do their job like ask for id or zip code.|||I am extremely happy to provide my ID when i use my credit cards. they are definitely allowed, most stores require that you show ID - all about safety, your safety!|||Yes and it is good for you as you don%26#039;t want someone using your Visa if it really was stolen.|||A merchant can ask you for ID for any purchase except cash (and even then if it%26#039;s a regulated item). If you refuse, they can also refuse to honor your purchase and tell you to leave. Don%26#039;t make life suck for the cashier. She is doing her job and has been instructed to ask for ID. Most merchants in my area do so and they accept cards other than VISA as well.

If you are insulted, the problem is with you, not with the merchant.|||Every store has a different policy. But yes, they have every right to ask to see your ID, and can refuse service if you don%26#039;t show it. They didn%26#039;t single you out; they%26#039;re protecting you. If they ask everyone, they don%26#039;t have to seem shady when they card a strung-out wino shaking with DTs trying to buy expensive jewelry. Yes, they can refuse service: I%26#039;ve done it. I used to work at a store where I was required to check the ID of everyone not paying with cash.|||She was just making sure for your protection. I hope someone steals your card and uses it at a place where they don%26#039;t check ID%26#039;s and then you will learn a valuable lesson.|||I don%26#039;t understand why you are so mad If you reach into your wallet for your card than your id should be in there to.People have Job to do and if checking id is one of them so what.How would you like for someone to criticize your job lighten up|||They do it for your own protection. So they know it is you using it and not someone who has stolen it.|||You sound really silly, you know. You%26#039;re upset that someone%26#039;s making sure it%26#039;s you using your credit card?

Fraud protection is great after the fact, but why not keep the fraud from happening in the first place? What%26#039;s more, get the theives caught. The transaction would be flagged much earlier than usual if the cashier asks for your ID, meaning they%26#039;d actually give the police something to go on. When you go to a cashier and ask them to describe a person who used so-and-so%26#039;s card last month, they won%26#039;t remember.

Iam a single mother of one child i got sued by the credit card company they said i owe them 1,035.31

offered a payment arrangement of 5.00 a month. the plaintiff representative said the amount was too low . i had a judgment against me anyway.i live in chicago,illinois.iam also disabled and unable to work before leaving court the plaintiff said they will be contacting me

Iam a single mother of one child i got sued by the credit card company they said i owe them 1,035.31. i?school loans

file bankruptcy

Iam a single mother of one child i got sued by the credit card company they said i owe them 1,035.31. i? loan

What is the question?|||What%26#039;s your question? If you have a judgement against you it%26#039;s over. You have been ordered to pay and they will take you to court again if you don%26#039;t. Maybe sell your computer.|||Your situation sounds desperate. On what do you live? Do you owe the money the credit card company claims? If so, why did you make charges you couldn%26#039;t pay? You really need help in learning how to get your life in grip. Otherwise, you will continue to have trouble, which will gradually get worse as time goes by. Please, get help.|||Sounds like you knew you did not have the ability to repay when you took the credit - that is fraud and a criminal offence. Your offer is far too low and actually tends to prove you committed fraud!

Your debt will accrue interest as long as it last therefore it will grow faster than you can pay it off at 5.00!!!!!

You need to think this one through carefully or you will likely find the bailiffs taking your possessions and then still find you have a debt!

Your offer needs to be sufficient to pay off the debt in two years if you can do it (that is very much in your interest). If not make it three years but certainly no longer or you will be in permanent debt!|||I am totally disgusted that you are being treated as you are.

When all could be solved with good advice and flexibility. Everyone needs help at sometime in their life so don%26#039;t feel alone and don%26#039;t feel ashamed. You are brave in facing your problems head on %26amp; trying to solve them. It would be fab if the Paris Hiltons of this world would come out strong and help their sisters.. set up some kind of self help %26amp; supportive organisation.. ....something so achievable and worthwhile.. so Paris if you read this come on girl %26amp; you%26#039;ll go down in history for all the right reasons as someone who changed the lives of others for the better...You have the power by your birthright to do these things.. don%26#039;t waste that power use it.|||Contrary to what David said there is no debtors prison. You can either file for bankruptcy or refuse to pay. You will have bad credit either way.|||If you don%26#039;t pay, the credit card company will have the judgment enforced against you, in which case expect someone from the court to go to your place and seize properties valued equal to your debt

The discrimination against the Debit card holders.?

Request to confirm the logic behind the encouragement and discounts being offered only on credit cards and not on debit cards. Infact the debit cards should be more reliable and trust-worthy. Also the airline companies and even some shop-keepers always try to avoid or do not allow purchases on a debit card. What%26#039;s the benefit of a shop-keeper other than the card company in this transaction. Can we raise our voice against this discrimination?

The discrimination against the Debit card holders.?debt consolidation loan

Are you talking about an access card? not a debit card. Debit cards look just like Visas no one would be able to tell it was only using your money.

I think maybe the system is not setup for access cards, it would be too hard to connect them all if you had to trace something. Like if I went overseas with a visa, visa is linked all over the world a large worldwide company, so they can access my details, but my small bank at home is that only small and would not be able to afford a share in a worldwide project.

Also most place require extra proof of income when getting visa, so they can be seen as more trust worthy because you have proven you can pay.

I suggest get a debit card, be smart (like it sounds you are) and use your own money, not someone else%26#039;s and never tell a soul. :)

The discrimination against the Debit card holders.?


It%26#039;s not discrimination, it%26#039;s business.

Debit cards are ATM cards, and use different networks than Credit cards. You punch a pin.

Lately, they have been making dual-use VISA/MasterCards. These cards can be used over the credit or debit networks to get money from your checking account. Although the end result is the same (checking account balance goes down), they use different networks and technologies.

To accept a credit transaction, the seller only needs a card-swiper or simpler machinery. To accept debit, they need a PIN pad device.

The seller also pays fees every time you swipe your card, and the fees are different. It may be that the debit transaction costs the vendor more.

If you want to make sure your money is accepted, only cash will do that (legal tender laws). Otherwise, a vendor is under no obligation to take alternative payment, and this is not discrimination. If they won%26#039;t take your money because they don%26#039;t like your beard, that%26#039;s discrimination.


I want to know how to get my access code to the capital one credit card i just applied for?

I got an offer in the mail and it says I can get access to my account within 60 seconds and they did not give me my access code

I want to know how to get my access code to the capital one credit card i just applied for?title loans

call them back from the same phone number that you called to get accepted to the offer and give them the information again. I don%26#039;t think they can give you the access code over the phone though, for security reasons you should wait for this in the mail.

I want to know how to get my access code to the capital one credit card i just applied for? loan

Call Capital One using the toll free number on the flyer you got in the mail.

What trouble would a person be in if they did not pay for a credit card.?

My freind has become very ill with a mental illness and is on a very small pension and has offered the company what she can afford and they will not accept it and keep calling her and harassing her.What can I tell her to do...she has no pc therefore I%26#039;m trying to get help here for her...

What trouble would a person be in if they did not pay for a credit card.?loan company

She should write them a letter instructing them to stop harassing (her right).

She can contact a credit counseling service who will negotiate a reduction of the debt, or she can file bankruptcy if the debt is large enough to make it worth it (filing bankruptcy implements an automatic %26quot;stay%26quot; preventing the banks from doing anything more to her). Both are not the end of the world, and she will be able to rebuild her credit later after she%26#039;s recovered, as soon as six months after discharge of bankruptcy.

Creditors are just slightly less ruthless than the Mafia. They make billions on money that doesn%26#039;t exist, and get vicious when someone can%26#039;t pay. Wish her well.

What trouble would a person be in if they did not pay for a credit card.?


Your things will be seized!!!!!!|||She should first try to reach some kind of agreement with the credit card company. If that%26#039;s not possible, she should probably talk with a lawyer. She needs to do something, or they may take her to court and seize money from her bank account. In any case, she can count on her credit being ruined.|||She borrowed the money - she should pay it back. If she can%26#039;t pay in full, she should call the company and try to get a more affordable payment plan. Most companies will try to work with you if you work with them.

She can go to consumer credit counseling service - again to get a payment plan she can afford.

Otherwise she can declare bankruptcy.|||She should continue with the small payments that she can afford, that is better than nothing. If they continue harassing her, there is really nothing they can do, she is making payments and a person%26#039;s pension cannot be garnished. In the meantime, she can screen her calls either by letting them go to voicemail or if she has it, call display.|||well a good thing to do would be to contact one of those nonprofit organizeations that will reduce credit card debit and the payments. there are even government grants for mentaly disabled people to help payoff credit card debit.|||it is against the law to harrass one... even if they are makin $7,.50 an hour !!!!!!!!!...unless its the wiil not go to jail !!|||Talk to a lawyer. She can file bankruptcy. She can get on a paid plan with the credit cards companies. She can talk to the credit card representative to make arrangements. She can paid what she can each month on the credit card.|||Depends on the amount she%26#039;d default on.

If it%26#039;s fairly small (under $2000 or so), the company will harass her for a while, but eventually just write it off and stop bugging her. It will damage her credit, but won%26#039;t have any other bad effects.

If the amount is large, they will sue her, and almost certainly get a judgement against her. With that in hand, they can legally have her income attached, her bank accounts, any money she may have to pay the debt before she gets her own money.

I%26#039;d suggest contacting one of the credit counseling services, and asking them to get involved. They can often get a card company to delay payments, stop accuring interest, or even write off the debt with a promise of no legal action. Given her situation, I%26#039;d say the chances are good she can get them to leave her alone and have the debt written off with no bad effects other than a black mark on her credit. Do an internet search for %26quot;credit counseling services%26quot; and you%26#039;ll find some local to you. Good luck to both you and your friend.|||Unfortunately she%26#039;s done what she can personally do as far as trying to put together a plan with the credit company. Maybe look at talking to Wells Fargo or somebody more flexible about plans and transfer the debt owing to them, just explain the situation. Credit companies will usually transfer credit and open you an account with them because you are giving them the interest and you have already been approved for the credit limit. Also just watch like FOX or something during the day, I%26#039;ve never called the phone numbers of all the creditors or solicitors but maybe they could give you a hand. Worse comes to worse she delcares bankruptcy and it appears negatively on her credit for 7 years. The larger the amount is, the worse it will look. Sorry the news isn%26#039;t easy things or very good news, but unfortunately credit is not something that is very easy to deal with or to have a quick fix for. Hope this helps. =)|||She should continue making small payments - some is better than nothing. Some companies can be ruthless. If she doesn%26#039;t pay her credit card off, she will get a bad credit rating and will find it difficult getting finance ever again. She should cut her credit card up and not use it again if she can%26#039;t pay the minimum payment due. Some people never actually pay their cards off in their lifetime, they just keep accruing interest.|||The CC company will turn her over for collections. Then they%26#039;ll eventually sue and win a judgment against her that can eventually lead to garnishments and liens on assets. Depending on her financial situation, it might be best for her to file bankruptcy or try to consolidate her debts. I don%26#039;t know if they can garnish a pension. They couldn%26#039;t if she%26#039;s on disability, BUT they CAN seize money after it%26#039;s been deposted into a checking or savings account. I know that from experience. A guy at my bank told me that they can%26#039;t touch social security, but they can after it%26#039;s in a bank account.|||Her credit will go bad and they will try to garnish her wages, if she%26#039;s not making any money, then they%26#039;ll eventually writer her off as a loss.

Have her keep making payments on it, even if they are small payments. if they refuse to accept those payments, then she should consider the bill paid in full.

Keep any and all corespondence just in case.|||She can tell them to stop calling and communicate in writing only.

She can also take the bull by the horns and call them and ask for a supervisor, explain her situation and make payment arrangements she can afford. It is fairly easy to get interest stopped.

Unless it is a large amount, they will not sue ... but her credit will be ruined.

Where can i get a Debit card where i do not need to have a bank account ??

i wanted to shop online and i need to have a credit card or a debit card to make payments but for third world countries like Malaysia, i need to be at least 21 to have a credit card and Malaysian Banks do not give out internationalyl recognise debit card ( they give out their so called %26quot;best payment solution%26quot; card which is only recognise in M%26#039;sia ) ... most banks such as in the US, UK, Canada and singapore offers debit card upon opening of an account but unfortunately, i am not citizens of neither country and i dont have an address there ... so any ideas on how to acquire an internationally recognise debit card ( Prepaid Master Visa etc ) without having an address at the issuers home country ??

Where can i get a Debit card where i do not need to have a bank account ??commericial loan

They sell them as pre-paid gift cards.

Where can i get a Debit card where i do not need to have a bank account ?? loan

I didnt think you could|||do you know how a debit card works? you%26#039;ll have to have some kind of account somewhere to DEBIT the money from when you use the card.|||Go to im not sure you can get it or not, but I used this I am from usa, it may or may not allow you to apply for it.|||

Is Bank of America the only bank that has your picture ID on your debit/credit card?

My husband is ALWAYS loosing his wallet and I was thinking about getting a new bank account at BOA, because I thought they were the bank that offered that service.

Is Bank of America the only bank that has your picture ID on your debit/credit card?tax credit

I think other banks offer that. But Bank of America is a great bank. We have been with them for several years with no problem. They have been great for us.

Is Bank of America the only bank that has your picture ID on your debit/credit card? loan

I think now a days a lot of banks do that. Check it out.|||I know Citibank Visa does/did it. I had a real old picture on my card before closing the account. Funny thing, they could not give me any information on how to change the picture, since the one on my card was over 7 years old.|||yes|||Bank of Farley offers that also.

Coach|||It is the only one I am aware of|||what do You think?I%26#039;m not a history teacher! ask your own teacher. If you don%26#039;t have one, FIND one!

Get IT, Got IT Good!|||citi bank does it also... just check your bank or a bank of your wish to see if they have it there

I have been asked to join discountpremiumclub by some one but they are asking my debit or credit car

After this they offer me qatarairways ticket on 锟?25.00 return ticket for Nepal. I need to pay fee of 锟?78.00 for three years. and they will also provide me 5 vouchers worth 锟?20 each. Is this true or fake. Please let me know asap. Thanks.

I have been asked to join discountpremiumclub by some one but they are asking my debit or credit card number.?credot siosse

Generally, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Here%26#039;s something I think is sound advice. Since this %26#039;club%26#039; contacted YOU, I wouldn%26#039;t be giving them ANYTHING, much less a credit card number.

Run the other way. It%26#039;s most likely a scam.

I have been asked to join discountpremiumclub by some one but they are asking my debit or credit card number.?


NEVER, NEVER, EVER give your credit card number to someone who contacts you!!!!

It IS a scam, and they will ruin your credit!!

My gf wants me to give her all my lifesavings so she can pay off her credit card debts. What should

I offered to loan her the money (10k) as I cannot afford to give everything to her. I know she will pay me back, but she has trouble budgeting, so I asked her how much she could afford to pay me every month. I am only asking her to pay me back at a rate she can afford. All interest free of course.

She feels hurt that I would ask for my money back, because she thinks that love means that I should go all the way with her, and not think about the money at all, or if or when I can get back my life savings.

I can see her point of view, and she thinks she%26#039;s walking alone if I loan her the cash. But, I feel I%26#039;m walking together with her on this by loaning the cash, and I wish she would try to take more control of her life.

Can anyone share their thoughts on this subject?

My gf wants me to give her all my lifesavings so she can pay off her credit card debts. What should I do?interest rate

hi, she is just your gf. you don%26#039;t know what might happen to your relationship with her in the future. don%26#039;t give your money to her. she sound like she like to have your money and not paying back which is so unfair. i know you love her but she has to control herself. and also, if you are going to loan money for her, let her sign an agreement to pay whatever amount you guys agreed to pay every month. think about yourself too not just hers. anyway, that%26#039;s not your problem. yes, you can help but don%26#039;t shoulder all of it. good luck!

i am a woman with almost the same problem and my ex bf paid all my debt, unfortunately, we broke up and there%26#039;s no aggreement for me to pay him back every month and now he is suffering to pay for it. careful! i don%26#039;t wanna do it again though and thinking i will pay him the whole amount at the end of this year but i will just surprise him. he don%26#039;t know my plan of paying him the whole amount.

My gf wants me to give her all my lifesavings so she can pay off her credit card debts. What should I do?


That%26#039;s great !!|||Tell her to kiss your butt.

Do NOT give her the money.

Love does not mean permission to act irresposible and take advantage of someone else%26#039;s better money management.

She needs to grow up and pay her own bills.

If you loan her the money have her sign a note. If she loves YOU she won%26#039;t have a problem with that.|||Keep your money in the bank and RUN Fast. Get as far as you can away from her. and tell all your friends so they dont hook up with her.|||Tell your girlfriend to get her bills consolidated and don%26#039;t loan her any money, she might be your girlfriend now but who knows what might happen later.|||First off, that money is yours. You should never offer the money to anyone like that, where they tell you you should just want to give it to them, if you don%26#039;t expect her to take it and run. Because unless you have proof of it, it is your word against hers and you could wind up screwed. Besides she sounds kind of shady about the whole thing. She should never ask you for the money and then make you feel bad for asking how she is going to pay it back, you worked for it, and it is yours. My opinion, don%26#039;t give her the money, even if she says she will pay you back.|||NOOOOOOOOO stop right now , as soon as ur money is gone so is she. plz save urself before it%26#039;s too late .|||RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||Move and do not leave a forwarding address. Put your new phone in another name. Sorry, but, that is what I will do now from experience.|||i dont think you should loan her the money. help her go to a financial counselor and plan her budget. I loaned all I had to a friend who was being foreclosed on her home and I never got any of it back. I feel realy biter about that|||She shouldn%26#039;t feel hurt that you%26#039;re asking for the money back. She should be kissing your feet for having such a great guy! Sounds like she has a lot of debt. If you pay it off this time, what about next time? And the time after that? I would tell her that she needs to take out a loan because you can%26#039;t risk depleting all of your money. You%26#039;ve worked hard for your money, and shouldn%26#039;t have to worry about not getting it back.

A word to the wise... if you plan on marrying this girl, GET A PRENUP!!|||I have always been told, not to loan money to friends, boyfriends or enemies. Your only asking for trouble when you do that. However, that is only one opinion.|||tell this chick to take a hike, at least money wise. hint; you said GIRLFRIEND not WIFE. with gf%26#039;s theres a big percentage chance that you two will no longer be together in a few years. what would stop her from breaking off all contact with you and taking the money? no offense to your gf, its just a scenario|||i realize why she would think the way she is, but if she loved you, she would realize that you can%26#039;t give away all your money beacsue of her bills, yes maybe you should loan her some but, maybe well i donno A JOB! would help.|||make her *** get a job and pay them off her self. what are you her *****?|||is her name Anna Nicole Smith?|||Uh no, she aint ur wife, just a gf, cause u didnt say a serious gf, so thats just stupid to ask, and she should repay!!! ugh havesnt she heard of loans!|||Go look in the Morrow, see if you got %26quot;SUCKER%26quot; on your forehead.|||The fact that you even offered to loan her the money shows what a great man you are. Besides, she is just your girlfriend. If she can%26#039;t accept that, you need to reconsider her motives. Don%26#039;t allow her to make you feel guilty because you are using common sense. If she does accept the loan, get an official contract. This will give you a leg to stand on if you ever need to call Judge Judy.|||She%26#039;s trying to manipulate you into giving her the money. Don%26#039;t even loan it to her. If she needs money to pay off her credit card debt she will never save money to pay you back. Forget about it.|||Wow. I can%26#039;t believe she actually asked you to give her your life savings. Credit card debt comes from irresponsibility (I know because I have tons of it). She needs to take care of it herself. Tell her it becomes your problem when you get married. Until then, sorry!|||Get your butt outta%26#039; there. Money is the root of all evil. No kidding.|||i see all the time on court shows on tv where an ex sues a former %26quot;lover%26quot;,ex over money that they loaned to pay things off and bills. so i would think about it before you go and give her 10,000 $ because that is alot of money. does she need it right away? i would have her pay you back because if it will be for the long run, like someday you two getting married you will get passed this.

i see both ways but i really do think you should set monthly payments where she can pay you.(and get it in writing if something does happen)|||if you loan her the money it won%26#039;t make her anymore responsible,you will be giving her the easy way out let her figure out a way to be a big girl and do this one on her own debt can be depressing support her emotionally|||I think that love has no monetary value, but that because of her past with money you have every right to expect her to pay you back. Also by asking her or getting her to pay you back little by little that is showing you love her and trust that she%26#039;ll pay it back. Why does she need to have that all paid off now? I think you%26#039;re right and that your girlfriend does need to take more control in her life. I don%26#039;t think that she should feel hurt I mean after all you are trusting her with your hard earned life savings, she should be thankful. If my man loaned me that amount of cash I wouldn%26#039;t say a damn word, but thanks.|||H$$l Naw. You are not married to her. GIRLFRIEND is the key word. IF you do LOAN her the money make her sign an agreement with a witness. You need to start watching Judge Hatchett!!!|||You answered you%26#039;re own question. You said that she thinks that love means that you should go all the way with her, and not think about the money at all. Because love is a two way street, that same saying should hold true for her as well. Don%26#039;t do it...or at least that much. Helping out a little is fine, but your life savings??? C%26#039;mon now, don%26#039;t let her take you for a ride!|||Your slow aren%26#039;t you? Close your checkbook and you should never let anyone know how much money you have in your savings or checking. It%26#039;s better her feelings are hurt than your livelihood.|||Tell her to kiss your butt and leave . any body that asks you to do that are only hanging around you because you have alot of money. most likely she%26#039;s a cheap backstabber that will bribe you or get on your nerves till you give in then she will leave you with all you had.|||You lend her the money, she doesn%26#039;t pay you back. You go into debt because of her. Your credit rating gets ruined. She breaks up with you. Sounds like Judge Judy story coming up.|||She is being quite selfish. The mere fact that you have offered to help her out with loaning the money interest free should be enough of a sign to her that you love her. Some men wouldnt bother. The problem is she got herself into this problem and she is expecting someone to get her out of it. She will not learn responsibility if everything is just given to her. You will have financial problems later on together if she doesnt wake up to herself now. I would be cautious also about how you go about loaning her the money. Fair enough to be interest free and perhaps long term payments but a contract of some sort should be drawn up. This would probably infuriate her I would imagine. But hey,

its 10K and your life savings - not a drop in the bucket. I think she sounds a little manipulative if she has put forward that she feels alone if you loan her the cash. That could not be further from the truth. If she is like this I guess I would be very careful with my emotions and take a step of strength to prove the relationship.

Should a 14 year old have a debit card?

I%26#039;m 14, I ordered a mastercard a week ago and it came in the mail. Should I use it? Is there anything special about it I should know?

My mom offered me a credit card, but I chose the debit card because I have no need for credit. I do not work, and I%26#039;m not a big spender.

Should a 14 year old have a debit card?auto financing

whats wrong with having a debit card? it just means you have a bank account and you can use it to take money out quickly, as opposed to walking around with x amount of cash that you have/want to spend. i have had a debit card for a while, im 15 now so... probably since i was like 12 or 13. a credit card is totally different, and i don%26#039;t think that kids should have one, myself included

Should a 14 year old have a debit card? loan

No you should not!|||If you%26#039;re responsible and you need it, then, yeah, why not? But, remember; credit cards can be real nasty. Becareful when you use it!|||A debit card is like access to your bank account or savings acct. Whne you buy something, you take it right out of your acct. and pay it. if you don%26#039;t keep track of how much you use, you will be embarrasssed oneday. A credit card will require you to have a checking acct. Because eventually you will need to pay the bill. I think the debit card is probably the smartest thing. You don%26#039;t want credit card debt at 14. you%26#039;ll never get a car or go to college. You sound like a smart one. Be wise with your money.|||A debit card is ok as long as it doesnt have overdraft. You are only taking money out that you put in there in the first place. That is unless its your parents bank account|||i%26#039;m 14 also but i have a JOB OK i got a job when i was 11 ok NO YOU DO NOT NEED DEBIT CARD OK I Would NEVER EVERY ASK MY PARENTS FOR A CARD I WILL NOT LET THEM BEY ME A CAR NOT BE A A** TO YOUR MOM OK|||you sound like you are a responsible person and know how to handle money, but a card is a big responsibility|||Sure, it%26#039;s a good exercise in financial responsibility. But remember, nowadays when you try to withdraw money and you don%26#039;t have enough to cover it, the bank will %26quot;advance%26quot; you the money and then charge you huge fees (as much as $35 each time) as a penalty. You must keep very careful track of how much you have in the account to make sure you don%26#039;t overdraw. Always check your balance at the ATM before you make a withdrawal, or check the balance over the bank%26#039;s customer service phone number before you use the card for a purchase. And you%26#039;re right to stay far away from credit cards. It%26#039;s very easy to get in trouble with them.|||Yepdiddoddles-yes you should|||Yes,if you are Mature and take up for your responsibilites you should have one.

Tho I do know alot of people who have gotten screwed from Debit cards because they thought they didnt keep up with how much they were spending and how much money they had. on the card.|||No!!!! I don%26#039;t have a creditcard and neither should you!! Maybe when you%26#039;re a bit older!! YOU HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY! You are not at your responsible age yet!! You will go CRAZY!!!!!!!!!|||I do and Im 14. As long as you know how to manage your money, you%26#039;ll be fine|||Only once you have a lot of money in your account. save up for something that you really want. The good thing about debit, is that it won%26#039;t let you charge more than you have. just be smart with your money. only take it with you occasionally, money disappears pretty fast. ;)|||NOOOOOOOOOO im 18 and i said the same thing. i had 2000 in the bank now i have 932$.

i said id never use it then i really was hungry at school one day, swiped it and have been swiping ever since. ull regret it forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||If you are responsible yes. You should know that you will need to memorize your pin number and only use your banks atm machines unless its an emergency because they charge 3-4 dollars every transaction|||dont use it as debit if you use it... the bank charges you as if it were an atm... use it as credit...(you wont get a bill.. it will just come out of the account)

but 14 is young... i am 19.. i have one, but i have overdrafted sooooooo many times... be careful and keep track of your statements.. i get $30 fees for overdraft.|||I got a debit card when I was 12. But my dad only gave it to me because I was very responsible, I havent spent any of it (it only has 100 dollars on it)|||Good for you!! Smart choice to turn down the credit card---them things are bad news. ;)

But sure, if you%26#039;re fiscally responsible, there%26#039;s no reason to not have one. In fact, my 12 year old has one too. She%26#039;s learning how to manage her money, she loses her cash, so this is a great learning tool for her. She has her own account that she can log into and check her balance any time she wants to. And I can add money to it any time I deem for it to be so. And so can anyone else in the family for that matter. My folks add %26quot;no reason%26quot; money to her account whenever they want.

Good for you hon. Learning to spend and save your money responsibly is fantastic. :)|||Get a prepaid debit card and start learning how to manage your expenses on a limited budget. Avoid getting a credit card - not only can they be hard to repay, but if mismanaged, they can ruin your credit score. Get a part-time job.

Each of these tips can help you establish a good credit score. More importantly, establishing good financial skills early will help ensure that you have a long (and good) credit history by the time you graduate from college. Read more from:|||i have a debit card + im 12|||No because teenagers don%26#039;t have jobs and a debit or credit card is useless.|||Of course you should if you have money you want to spend.

So i need to buy a ticket but the thing is I want to use a credit card.?

Ok so i need to buy a plane ticket but having just paid for school im a little low on funds. Then i saw this offer on american airlines

Basically its no intrest, no payments for 6 months on tickets bought on AA. Reading the fine print it says it accures all intrest at the end of the promotional period.

But I know I%26#039;ll be able to pay it off by the end of november so I%26#039;ll be safe. Im just asking if i buy a 700 dollar plane ticket and I pay the 700 a month later then I wont have any intrest correct?

So i need to buy a ticket but the thing is I want to use a credit card.?annual credit report

Check to make sure there is no annual fee %26#039;cause most airlines credit cards have annual fee approximately $90 a year. They do give out mileage but read careful before apply for it.

Even they say you have no interest for 6 months. You still need to pay every month to get that rate. When you missed a month or late, the default rate is very high. If you want to be saved, divide the amount for 6 months and make the payment ($116.00) a month and by the time the promo runs out. You%26#039;ll pay off the entire the balance without paying additional interest.

You can pay off within billing cycle, there is no interest. For instance if your closing date is Oct 30 and your due day is Nov 20, you must pay off by the due date so avoid interest. Since you have 6 months to pay without interest, you can divide that amount in 6 months as I suggested, you still be able to avoid paying interest. (YOU MUST PAY IT MONTHLY)

Airlines credit cards manage by bank. It could be BOA or Citibank. I%26#039;m sure Citibank manages AA.

So i need to buy a ticket but the thing is I want to use a credit card.?


Yeah... that is correct. If you pay if off before the intro period then you won%26#039;t have any interest.|||Nope what that means is that they delay the interest charges until the end of promotional period then then add all back interest accrued to the account.|||The rate interest would be from your credit provider, not from American airlines, but still you have to pay interest

How to opt-out of all unauthorized credit prescreening?

My credit score is going burzurk! It%26#039;s these unsolisited prescreenings. I entered information to %26quot;search%26quot; lenders for a home equity loan/credit line, now all of the enquiries lowered my score! Does anyone know how to opt-out of ALL prescreenings, for other offers too like credit cards. I have heard that there is a way and within thirty days your score should go back up maybe even 30 or more points.

How to opt-out of all unauthorized credit prescreening?mortgage rate

Call toll-free 1-888-5-OPTOUT (1-888-567-8688) or visit

How to opt-out of all unauthorized credit prescreening? loan

just dont do anything else regards ur score. try using the telphone a little bit more private also.|||When a company does a %26quot;prescreening inquiry%26quot; into your credit report, it does NOT negatively effect your score. Only those inquiries that are initiated by you (applying for a loan, credit card, etc.) have an impact.

Is there a work at home program online that ISN'T a scam where you have to give them a credit c

I am a college student who can%26#039;t seem to find a job that will work into my school schedule, nor do I have a car out at school so I can%26#039;t really drive anywhere farther away. I%26#039;ve heard of doing data entry online from home, but I can%26#039;t seem to find a site that isn%26#039;t trying to rip me off. Any ideas for work for any other work from home projects would be greatly appreciated along with credible data entry sites. I%26#039;m not trying to get rich, just enough so I don%26#039;t have to take out any extra loans just to pay for groceries. Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to offer me!

Is there a work at home program online that ISN%26#039;T a scam where you have to give them a credit card number?car financing

Try this website out:

They list work at home Jobs for Moms Which you can see, (Work At Home Moms) Dads are included or if your not a parent, no problem! They have a great amount of legit jobs posted there!

As well a link to

Which has a few legit jobs!

Good Luck!

Is there a work at home program online that ISN%26#039;T a scam where you have to give them a credit card number?


There are a few legitimate work at home programs, but most of them are scams and it is very difficult to find the legitimate ones in the huge pile. Some companies use at home workers to transcribe records onto the computer or to type in the customer information for rebates and promotional offer requests. Definately avoid anything that asks for a credit card number or bank information up front.|||Most of the work-at-home jobs are indeed scams. My suggestion is that you search for a work-at-home job using a reputable career search site, like Good luck.|||Try GDI. They have been in the business for a while and it%26#039;s affordable for only $10.00 a month. There are many great systems to promote this business. Here is one of them. It%26#039;s a proven and amazing system. They will help you get 30 Paid Members so you can earn $3,000 a month as long as you meet the qualifications.

If you are interested and to see if you qualify visit:|||I can relate. We live 6 miles from the closest small town and 22 miles from a mid size city. With the cost of living going up everyday, we can%26#039;t just drive into town everyday.

I can tell you Key For Cash is legit. No credit card necessary. It%26#039;s slow starting out, but with good accuracy, workmanship and time, the jobs will come in.

Hint: This is a contract position so keep good records!

I make just enough for groceries which is a plus!

I also have a candle making hobby. I started out by just loving to burn candles and decided there had to be a less expensive way to buy candles. So I bought a soy candle kit, started making my candles and everyone that comes into our home loves them! I started having %26quot;Green%26quot; Candlemaking parties and am having a great time with my old friends while making new friends too! I never dreamed having fun would make us some extra money! If you%26#039;re interested, I%26#039;ve placed a link below for more information.

I hope this helps and best of luck to you!|||well i take surveys. check out my site I review all the sites that have paid me and even posted the checks online. They%26#039;re all free and easy. You won%26#039;t get rich but they definitely help with bills or something. :)|||You can try freelance writing, bookkeeping, software, transcription or customer service work at home jobs. These companies do not require any fee and pay well . List of companies(with websites) offering genuine work at home jobs is available at . Many of these companies have been in business for several years|||Maybe you could start a home based business...I%26#039;m a designer with Latasia jewelry and love it! I%26#039;m not sure what kind of interests you have but it may be an option for you to consider.I%26#039;d be happy to send you some info if you%26#039;d like and can help you get started for free. My contact info is on my profile.

Good luck!

Kim :)|||In any business that you go into, it will depend on your training and dedication to determine whether you succeed or not, no matter what your product or service is.

Here%26#039;s a website that has home business training that can help you and show you how to get off to a fast start and also take 6 months off your learning curve. (Free Membership).

Have an awesome day and God bless!


Click on the %26#039;timing%26#039; tab and watch the video then click on the %26#039;Enroll%26#039; tab

OK this is a little confusing but, I was just taken to court for a balance of a credit card, and the

asked that a judgment be placed against me however one has not yet been placed. Today I got a letter saying that they are willing to set up a payment plan to avoid further legal action? Im confused by this whole situation.Will a creditor usually still offer to set up a payment plan even if they are seeking a judgement against me? and if they do get the judgement and I set up a payment plan and pay on time and everything can they still garnish my wages in addition to the payments im making? Does anyone have further advise or info on this matter or better my rights in this matter should I get a lawyer? The creditor has been really nice non harassing etc, should i trust that they are willing to accept payments and stop legal action..... thanks! And arent judgements usually placed on the court date?

OK this is a little confusing but, I was just taken to court for a balance of a credit card, and the creditor?credit rating

If the creditor only filed for judgment and you haven%26#039;t actually been to court, then yes, the creditor can withdraw any further legal action.

A creditor is still giving you a chance by setting up a payment plan before court, but that can also happen after judgment as well.

If they%26#039;ve already received judgment and you%26#039;re paying the agreed amount, they will not garnish your wages.

Garnishment comes after receiving judgment and you still don%26#039;t pay.

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, judgments are only on your credit report 7 yrs. from the date of entry, not 10!

I had one in 2-02 and it will be removed 2-08.

If they%26#039;re giving you another chance, just make a reasonable payment plan and stick with it. You%26#039;ll feel better in the long run.

OK this is a little confusing but, I was just taken to court for a balance of a credit card, and the creditor?


A judgment takes time because it must be place on your credit record. A judgment is basically a way of saying you owe money. Most people who receive judgments never pay. Don%26#039;t pay them anything, unless you like paying for something twice. Next time the collector calls you tell them you have been to court and a judgment has been placed against you, and then never speak to them again, or you can ask them to Verify the Debt. Do research on Verification of Debt often called VOD%26#039;s. A great place to start is|||Judgments can be placed against an individual, once they have WON the judgment in court. This judgment hits your credit report, and remains there 10 years AFTER date of satisfaction. That is the rule for public records. Plus, the judgment will lower your credit score.

Chances are very good the creditor will win in court. Simply because you signed an application saying you would pay, then when you charged items, you further agreed to pay the debt. and so on.

The creditor is still open to negotiating because they really just want to get paid something and move on. My suggestion, is offer a settlement, make payment arrangements and really stick to it. Make sure you get everything in writing and that the judgment is NOT still awarded.

I am in the lending business and a small mishap like this will cost you THOUSANDS of dollars more in higher interest charges because it will effect your credit score that drastically.

If you can keep the judgment from hitting your credit report you are much better off, even paying the debt over a longer period of time.

Hope this helps,

How can I get my money back if I ordered a bogus web service (background check site) with a credit c

I wanted to do a backround check on myself just for sh*#s %26amp; giggles and stupidly ordered the cheapest site available. It promised access to all public records and a money back guarentee. What the site offered was just a database for a lot of other backgound check sites that you have to pay a lot of money for and absolutely no link to getting my %26#039;100% guarenteed money back if not satisfied.%26#039; It only cost me 30 bucks, but I don%26#039;t want to give the jerk(s) the satisfaction of ripping me off.

How can I get my money back if I ordered a bogus web service (background check site) with a credit card?rate my teacher

Call your credit card company and inform them of the problem and make sure to include the site you visited that made the guarantee. They will either refuse payment to the company or go after them for the money once they have credited your account. Expect 2-4 weeks for resolution.

How can I get my money back if I ordered a bogus web service (background check site) with a credit card? loan

contact your credit card provider and say it was a fraudulaent site - they will either suggest ways to help you get your money back or tell you there is nothing you can do|||If you contact your credit card company and file the necessary paperwork, they will cancel the charge. Just contact your bank and they will explain the details.|||complain.. that%26#039;s the solution to everything.|||Call your bank to dispute the charge. Be clear about what happened and they%26#039;ll help you along.|||The only way is to cancel your credit card %26amp; replace it with a new one.There%26#039;s no hope getting your money back. You can only prevent them from future unauthorised transaction. You must do it fast because there is a immediate risk of security breach.|||Have transaction info, website, also any emails. You have to request a refund from the company first and if they refuse or ignore your request then bring it to attention of your credit card company.

Has anyone ever heard of Executive Choice Platinum Card Club?

Ok, so i got a call on my cell today from this company. The offered me a credit card with 9,500 bucks in it. They got my info from a recent loan I got from a website online. They provided me with a 1-800 number and their website..I can only purchase items from their companies..which are pretty big, sharp, wal mart, target, macy%26#039;s...and stuff... I said ya, and he already had my info so I just had to agree. What do you all think? Should I cancel it? They charge a application fee of 49 bucks, but its not charged until the 28th of this month...oh ya and they send me and another person to the Bahamas for free...their website is..

Has anyone ever heard of Executive Choice Platinum Card Club?construction loans

Be VERY VERY Carefull. smells like a scam to me. After looking at there site youd be a fool to accept this. CANCEL IMMEDIATLY. The fee%26#039;s and rates are outright robbery.

Make sure you read the Part under the terms where you sign away your right to sue them.

I need some Credit Advise.....?

I need credit Advise for a friend whom has always had good credit and now he is suffering. He recently split with his Babys mother and Assumed her Credit Card payments of 400.00 a month and all of her bad dept that she racked up on his credit cards that she applied for behind his back. He now owes $5300.00 which isnt alot but thats between 2 cards and recently he is struggleing to pay off both of them. He has always had GREAT credit and now he is drowning. He on average makes about 75k a year and never has a problem with money but this all came so sudden that his Accounts are at a stand still. I on the other hand have no bad depts and owe nothing and I really want to help him out.

Our goal is to consolidate all his dept onto 1 credit card and AMEX was offering 4.99% on transfers but he was declined because he owes on the Chase and GM cards. I really want to co sign for him I know he is good for the money but I dont know whom I should pursue for Opening this line of credit. Any *%26#039;s?

I need some Credit Advise.....?loans uk

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Do NOT co-sign the debt with him. The debt already exists and then if it is refinanced - the lender gains - they now have two to pursue instead of one.

With an income of 75K per year - absolutely he could afford repayment of $5K + in credit card debt. If his credit is as good as he has implied to you that it is - he can handle restructuring this debt with the lowest rate available %26amp; pay it off rather quickly.

You need not get involved. I agree with another responder - he has found a shoulder %26amp; some pockets ... sewn together with sympathy.

Steer clear - don%26#039;t co-sign.

I need some Credit Advise.....?


I have one answer - DON%26#039;T!

Do not co-sign for him - I don%26#039;t care if he%26#039;s the greatest guy in the world. If something happens (let%26#039;s say he dies in a freak accident), you are responsible to pay the bill.

I have a hard time he had great credit and she %26quot;applied for credit behind his back%26quot; - if that was so then he could file for fraud and not be liable for any of that money.

If he makes $75k a year, $5300 is a walk in the park - he should be able to pay that off in 5 months with NO problem at all.

I think he found a shoulder to cry on - and a pocket to reach into. If you don%26#039;t believe me, check on the Suze Ormann, Dave Ramsey or any financial advisor and you%26#039;ll find the same advice.|||Refer your friend to Dave%26#039;s plan is so easy to follow and the book is available at the library. This is possible to take care of with Dave%26#039;s help and not extra charges!

Dave even has a radio show where he can call in and ask questions.|||First of all, on an income of $75K, he should not have any problems paying back five thousand dollars, unless he is overstressed in other areas.

Do not move the money, this is not your first option.

The first option, is to call both companies and ask for a lower interest rate.

Then, I would try a credit union (easier to borrow from than a bank) for a consolidation loan, get a second part time job and pay it off or curb his lifestyle and make some sacrifices to pay it off.

You should under no circumstances, cosign for someone else%26#039;s debt --- ever, especially if you are not married.

Ask yourself, can I afford to pay this, if he stops. If the answer is no, then do not do it.|||Ummm....your friend makes $75K and is %26quot;struggling%26quot; to pay off a debt of only $5,300....and you are thinking about co-signing a loan/credit application for him?????? I shudder to think about how Suze Orman would respond to this....She%26#039;d probably track you down and slap you in the face.|||If a person has accumulated a large amount of credit card debt due to multiple credit cards, the need for a proper counseling for credit card debt consolidation can%26#039;t be understated. Credit card debt consolidation counseling helps a person get vital insights into the facts that can help him get control over the credit card debt.

Credit card debt consolidation counselors are experts with a good knowledge of debt management, budgeting and behavioral patterns of credit card holders. These services are vital for those struggling to manage their credit card debts. Also called credit counseling or debt counseling the credit card debt consolidation counseling brings immediate relief to a credit card holder.

A person seeking credit counseling can get it from two types of organizations. The professional or commercial organizations, and the non-profit organizations. As depicted by its name or categorization, the commercial organizations charge money for their credit counseling sessions and consolidation help on the other hand the non-profit organizations offer free of charge services. Just because the non-profit organizations are free, it doesn%26#039;t undermine their quality of service. The persons associated with such organizations are thorough experts and have lived the trauma of being under credit card debt themselves and hence bring their vital experience to the credit card holder.

When a person approaches a credit counseling agency, the first thing it will do is to take stock of the situation and get various facts about the credit card debt. The credit counseling agency collects data about the income, expenditure and spending habits. It will guide the credit card holder about budgeting benefits and try to inculcate good financial habits. Read more from:

Dept. store credit cards?

lately I%26#039;ve been wanting to check my credit score,

mostly because I know it must be low..

I%26#039;ve had an Old Navy card since August...and havn%26#039;t paid a bill yet. When I go to a website that offers a free credit score, it asks if it%26#039;s ..Visa, Mastercard, or American Express ect.

Why can%26#039;t I check my credit score for my clothing store credit card? It is the same? Im sure you can get bad credit with those as well..

Dept. store credit cards?yes loans

i hope you mean that you have not use the old navy card -- if not you are in deep trouble in the credit report area!!!

Dept. store credit cards? loan

If your dept store card has a visa or MasterCard logo, then you can use it. My Macy%26#039;s card has a visa logo, so it could be used. They don%26#039;t accept strictly department store cards that can only be used in the dept. store.

No when you say that you haven%26#039;t paid a bill yet, is that because you haven%26#039;t charged anything (I hope)? Because if you have an outstanding balance without having paid anything, that is not going to help you get a better credit score.|||Pull out your credit report completely, then you will be able to see all open and closed accounts in your name. This way you don%26#039;t have to just pick one account.|||Your credit score is an overall score for you, based on all your cards. The site is asking for the card that you want them to use to charge your every month, for the rest of your life, if you do not cancel the monthly service for which you are agreeing to pay. Credit scores are NOT free unless you are to accept a service that is, if you do not cancel in time, automatically billed to a credit card, which must be a major credit card, not a store card. Once you give the site the number for this card, it will give you a score that will be based on all the cards that have been reported to the credit bureau, which may or may not include the store card.|||Credit Scores are obtained from the three Credit Reporting Agencies not from individual credit cards. You can%26#039;t get

SCORES for free, however, you can get free credit reports

once a year for free, or when you have been denied credit

in the past 30 days. You can get them free by going to

Experian, TransUnion, Equifax, and now there is a new one

called Innovision. You can go to

but their database has been hacked quite a few times.

I want to switch credit cards but do no want to loose credit build with current one. What should I d

Here is the deal. I have one credit card that I use and it was my 1st Credit card. I built very good credit with it. It has a bad interest rate and I am being offered a MUCH better credit card with a points/rewards program that I want to switch to use all the time. Ive heard you never want to close a credit card you built credit with but just do not use it. Is that right? Should I just lock it up safe and not use it? Should I make sure and use it here and there? I guess I should find out if it has a fee if you do not use it. Any advice on how I should do this would be great. The credit card I am wanting to get is with National City (visa)

I want to switch credit cards but do no want to loose credit build with current one. What should I do?education loans

Closing a credit card affects your credit because it will show you have a less available amount to use. If you keep it open with a zero balance that will help your score increase because it shows you now have 2 open trade lines one with a zero balance so you have a higher available credit amount. Make sure you check and see if there are annual fees.

I want to switch credit cards but do no want to loose credit build with current one. What should I do? loan

Yes, you%26#039;re right. Do not cancel the card. Merely lock it away and keep it current. If you cancel it, your credit score will decrease. Get the second credit card and use that one in place of the first one.|||Get the new card and keep the old since you have established credit with that one. Can%26#039;t hurt to have 2 cards and use the one occasionally and just pay off the balance immediately since it has a high interest rate.

I transfered balance from 1 card 2 the next, now the interest rate is lower on the 1st.should i tran

I just transfered balances from my 17.95% interest credit card to another card with an offer of 1.99% for 1 year. the next day i recieved a notification that the first card is now offering a balance transfer for 0% for 1 year. It costs me 3% to do these transfers...would it be wise to transfer back to the original card for 0% for 1 year???

I transfered balance from 1 card 2 the next, now the interest rate is lower on the 1st.should i transfer back?interest only loan

i would try the first guys answer if it was me I wouldnt trade back again.

I transfered balance from 1 card 2 the next, now the interest rate is lower on the 1st.should i transfer back? loan

What I did is called my credit card company and told them about the better offer on the other card. The credit card company matched that offer so I didn%26#039;t have to change and pay those transfer fees.|||Be aware that the more times you apply for credit, the more enquiries will go on your credit file. The more enquiries on your credit file, the more it looks to lenders like you are desperate for credit, making it difficult to apply for credit in the future.

Balance transfer offers are just gimmicks from banks to get your business and your money. You are best to just look for the cheapest general interest rate and stick with it. Also look at annual card fees, and other fees charged for the best deal.

I am a grad student with above average credit, yet I only have 1 card currently (no debt on card).?

I am looking to apply for a 2nd card, to improve my credit by opening another account, and constantly get pre-approved offers in the mail. These do however ask for personal info, including current yearly salary. Since I will not be out of grad school for 6 months and have no job currently, am I allowed to include loan money I have in salary? I know loan $$ is not technically salary, but it is what I currently live on until May and I have shown through my 1st card that I can live within my means on the loan money currently, by paying off 100% of what I owe each month on my current card.

I am a grad student with above average credit, yet I only have 1 card currently (no debt on card).?boat loans

Technically, loan money is not salary. I suggest you hold off on the second card until you actually have a job. Better still, don%26#039;t even get a second card. The debt load can sneak up very quickly when you have multiple access to credit. If you keep a good credit record on that card, the bank will keep raising your limit and so there will be no need for the second card.

Like I said, wait and then see if there is a real reason to get a second card.

I am a grad student with above average credit, yet I only have 1 card currently (no debt on card).?


I would put that down as your current salary. If you are getting your credit card to boost your credit, great. That would be the only reason I would get one. Credit cards can get out of control easily. I%26#039;d look for one with 0% interest. I don%26#039;t think there is anything wrong with putting down that your loan money is your salary.

Why companies offer cashback with credit cards? who pays the amount? how much the cardholder get ben

Here%26#039;s an article on credit card cashbacks, together with links, that may be of help:

Why companies offer cashback with credit cards? who pays the amount? how much the cardholder get benefitted?loan forgiveness

As with most incentive programs that credit card companies offer, the MERCHANT actually gets stuck paying most of these perks.

This question is for Finance Mangers. Can you please answer?

I tried to restablish my credit buy applying for new credit and paying everything on time. It went well for 2 years then I became unemployed. I drew my unemployment for 6 months then I had to live off my savings for 1 year. Every bill that I had fail behind 2-3- months including my car payment. The car was repoed and the credit card payments fail behind. When I filed my taxes in 2006 for the little money that I did make for half of 2005 I took every dime of it and paid off every credit card that I had. When the car was repoed, believe it or not lucky for me it was auction off for more then what was owed and I receive a check from Ford Motor Credit company for $347.00. Everything on my credit report may show negative but everything is now showing paid with a zero balance on everything. I now have no debt to pay. What are my chances of getting another vehicle? After everything was paid off, you would think I filed a chapter 7 with all of the credit card offers I get.

This question is for Finance Mangers. Can you please answer?bridge loan

you can get a loan for a car, but you%26#039;ll pay a really high interest rate. ridiculously high! get a used car you can pay cash for and don%26#039;t get any more credit cards.

That stuff will remain on your credit report for at least 7 yrs. Until you can hold a job for at least 2 yrs, most creditors won%26#039;t take a chance with you. and read those credit card offers carefully. some charge fees as much as $300 to give you that card.

This question is for Finance Mangers. Can you please answer?


Apply at, and see what offers you get. Tell lender #1 they will have to beat lender # 2 deal to earn you biz. You can get up to 4 offers so you play one against the other until you get a good rate. Larger downpayment helps too, it shows you are serious this time!|||There are companies that will and will not finance a car for you. There are places like ugly duckling that sometimes even finance people in heavy debt.

However, since you managed to clean up after yourself, you will get financed almost anywhere but you will get a higher interest rate. Not incredibly high like those who actually still have bad debt.

Good Luck

Is www.optoutprescreen legit?

I heard that is the way to get credit card companies to stop sending you preapproved credit card applications and things like that. Supposedly, signing up on the site tells the the major credit agencies to not give your name to others who want to send offers. I want to stop getting preapproved credit card offers and things like that in the mail. Is this site legit or is it phishing to get my personal information?

Is www.optoutprescreen legit?no fax loan

Yes, it is legit and it is affiliated with all three credit bureaus. It may not stop ALL of these offers from coming to you, but it will reduce the amount drastically. Any creditors that you are doing business or have done business with in the past, will still sell your information on a mailing list unless you tell them in writing not to do so.

I signed up at and so far the offerings are very few and far between.

Good question!

Is www.optoutprescreen legit?


yes it is i recomend it to all my clients|||I%26#039;m a mortgage originator and I know registering on the website helps improve your credit score up to 10 points in 30 days. It is a legitimate website that notifies credit companies that they cannot pre-screen your credit report for offers, but you will still receive mailings. To be removed from mailing lists, you need to register on the Direct Marketing Association Website, here is the address for further information: