Sunday, August 9, 2009

Should a 14 year old have a debit card?

I%26#039;m 14, I ordered a mastercard a week ago and it came in the mail. Should I use it? Is there anything special about it I should know?

My mom offered me a credit card, but I chose the debit card because I have no need for credit. I do not work, and I%26#039;m not a big spender.

Should a 14 year old have a debit card?auto financing

whats wrong with having a debit card? it just means you have a bank account and you can use it to take money out quickly, as opposed to walking around with x amount of cash that you have/want to spend. i have had a debit card for a while, im 15 now so... probably since i was like 12 or 13. a credit card is totally different, and i don%26#039;t think that kids should have one, myself included

Should a 14 year old have a debit card? loan

No you should not!|||If you%26#039;re responsible and you need it, then, yeah, why not? But, remember; credit cards can be real nasty. Becareful when you use it!|||A debit card is like access to your bank account or savings acct. Whne you buy something, you take it right out of your acct. and pay it. if you don%26#039;t keep track of how much you use, you will be embarrasssed oneday. A credit card will require you to have a checking acct. Because eventually you will need to pay the bill. I think the debit card is probably the smartest thing. You don%26#039;t want credit card debt at 14. you%26#039;ll never get a car or go to college. You sound like a smart one. Be wise with your money.|||A debit card is ok as long as it doesnt have overdraft. You are only taking money out that you put in there in the first place. That is unless its your parents bank account|||i%26#039;m 14 also but i have a JOB OK i got a job when i was 11 ok NO YOU DO NOT NEED DEBIT CARD OK I Would NEVER EVERY ASK MY PARENTS FOR A CARD I WILL NOT LET THEM BEY ME A CAR NOT BE A A** TO YOUR MOM OK|||you sound like you are a responsible person and know how to handle money, but a card is a big responsibility|||Sure, it%26#039;s a good exercise in financial responsibility. But remember, nowadays when you try to withdraw money and you don%26#039;t have enough to cover it, the bank will %26quot;advance%26quot; you the money and then charge you huge fees (as much as $35 each time) as a penalty. You must keep very careful track of how much you have in the account to make sure you don%26#039;t overdraw. Always check your balance at the ATM before you make a withdrawal, or check the balance over the bank%26#039;s customer service phone number before you use the card for a purchase. And you%26#039;re right to stay far away from credit cards. It%26#039;s very easy to get in trouble with them.|||Yepdiddoddles-yes you should|||Yes,if you are Mature and take up for your responsibilites you should have one.

Tho I do know alot of people who have gotten screwed from Debit cards because they thought they didnt keep up with how much they were spending and how much money they had. on the card.|||No!!!! I don%26#039;t have a creditcard and neither should you!! Maybe when you%26#039;re a bit older!! YOU HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY! You are not at your responsible age yet!! You will go CRAZY!!!!!!!!!|||I do and Im 14. As long as you know how to manage your money, you%26#039;ll be fine|||Only once you have a lot of money in your account. save up for something that you really want. The good thing about debit, is that it won%26#039;t let you charge more than you have. just be smart with your money. only take it with you occasionally, money disappears pretty fast. ;)|||NOOOOOOOOOO im 18 and i said the same thing. i had 2000 in the bank now i have 932$.

i said id never use it then i really was hungry at school one day, swiped it and have been swiping ever since. ull regret it forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||If you are responsible yes. You should know that you will need to memorize your pin number and only use your banks atm machines unless its an emergency because they charge 3-4 dollars every transaction|||dont use it as debit if you use it... the bank charges you as if it were an atm... use it as credit...(you wont get a bill.. it will just come out of the account)

but 14 is young... i am 19.. i have one, but i have overdrafted sooooooo many times... be careful and keep track of your statements.. i get $30 fees for overdraft.|||I got a debit card when I was 12. But my dad only gave it to me because I was very responsible, I havent spent any of it (it only has 100 dollars on it)|||Good for you!! Smart choice to turn down the credit card---them things are bad news. ;)

But sure, if you%26#039;re fiscally responsible, there%26#039;s no reason to not have one. In fact, my 12 year old has one too. She%26#039;s learning how to manage her money, she loses her cash, so this is a great learning tool for her. She has her own account that she can log into and check her balance any time she wants to. And I can add money to it any time I deem for it to be so. And so can anyone else in the family for that matter. My folks add %26quot;no reason%26quot; money to her account whenever they want.

Good for you hon. Learning to spend and save your money responsibly is fantastic. :)|||Get a prepaid debit card and start learning how to manage your expenses on a limited budget. Avoid getting a credit card - not only can they be hard to repay, but if mismanaged, they can ruin your credit score. Get a part-time job.

Each of these tips can help you establish a good credit score. More importantly, establishing good financial skills early will help ensure that you have a long (and good) credit history by the time you graduate from college. Read more from:|||i have a debit card + im 12|||No because teenagers don%26#039;t have jobs and a debit or credit card is useless.|||Of course you should if you have money you want to spend.

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