Friday, August 7, 2009

I have a spending problem and can't stop what can i do??

I lost my job a while ago so I%26#039;m broke but i keep getting all these credit card offers and accepting them..i buy everything i feel like..just today i got a $200 dress real hot!!, a small dresser $300, perfume $80, and dinner for two $60..i feel like this money is free but i know deep down inside im i have $1,000 saved from my last job so i pay the minimum on all my cards which is about $25...i owe around $6,000 working on getting a new job but it%26#039;s hard i just graduated with my BA and it%26#039;s tuff finding work...i have no idea how to control my spending i feel happy whenever I buy things and i feel can i stop this behavior??

I have a spending problem and can%26#039;t stop what can i do??heart rate

You are using the %26#039;buzz%26#039; of buying things to compensate for a lack in other areas but the %26#039;buzz%26#039; is short lived.

Take some of the stuff back, you don%26#039;t need it.

Sell some of this stuff you have bought on eBay to raise funds to pay back some of this money.

Write down everything you are spending each day to see your spending patterns. Even cutting out little things like buying lunches out, make your own! It all adds up.

Pay off more than the minumum every month or the interest will be hefty.

Plus, most important of all.... Cut up these credit cards!

I have a spending problem and can%26#039;t stop what can i do??


maybe you need therapy..just being honest. or learn self-control.|||change your location so that the bank people cant find you, otherwise work hard to get a job and pay the debts|||you can open up an account and deposit ALL your money in there save for some few change for bus fare.

plus, stop accepting credit card offers, they%26#039;re scams intended to suck those greens out of your pocket.|||you have BA and its hard for you to find a job?? hard to believe but you can try by finding a mediocre job and looking for a real on the side while you get rid of your c.c. debt.

gl %26amp; peace!|||Return all the cards......6.000 isnt a hideous will grow though till it%26#039;s massive and you%26#039;%26#039;ll be facing bankruptcy. Get any old job for now....they are out just have to look.|||You need an intervention! I just went through bankruptcy and it sucked. All I can tell you is to seek professional help before it is too late!|||cut up your credit cards first thing!!!|||THIS IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM. The GOOD THING IS YOU HAD IDENTIFIED THE ISSUE. NOW THE NEXT STEP IS TO ASK HELP FROM A PROFESSTIONAL|||Grow the hell up and stop buying things just because they%26#039;re pretty. It%26#039;s pretty easy. Billions of people do it every day.|||you need to organise your spending put the most important things first and get a job, and pay off debts or loans, or rent etc first and leave the less important stuff either that or look for cheaper deals.... other than that i cant help you|||Take a break %26amp; start learning about poor+needy people on earth.|||to get rid of this i alwayz do this to get rid of ur addiction put the money (or catalogues) u have on a table u might need a friend for this tie urself to a chair(ur friend unties after) about 2 metres away from the money on the table and keep looking at the money(or catalogues) and u keep trying to get up and get it but u cant sooner or later u%26#039;ll be tired and just give up|||What you are experiencing is a high whenever you shop. This leads to you becoming a shopaholic. First, you need to cut up all your credit cards and consolidate your debt. Secondly, when you get applications, don%26#039;t open them, tear them up and throw them in the trash. Third, take back all the stuff you bought that you haven%26#039;t used. If you can%26#039;t do any of these things, you need to get counseling. You are feeling depressed, and you need to find a better outlet then something that will end up making you feel more depressed.|||Cut up all the cards, and start throwing the offers you get away. did you know, if you just make the minum payment each month, it will take you almost 20 years or so to pay off that $6,000.00 loan.|||instead spending some things,why dont you just save your money for your better future...???...buying anything that you want can%26#039;t help you in life...anyway its up to you, just think about it all the time that someday you%26#039;ll be needing that money..goodluck!|||Get principled. That problem can only be solved by you and you only. Remember where there is a will, there is a way. And stop saying/thinking that you can%26#039;t stop - that should be the first step.|||oh no!! Been there done that! CUT UP THOSE CARDS! Or make a nice collage out of them by cutting them up and melting them in the oven! screwed now for $6,000 can only get worse and you will destroy your credit forever! Stop spending or you will never have all the things you really want in the future! Can you return the dress and dresser??? Reward yourself with those kinds of things when you have a job and are caught up with all this debt and you can pay CASH! How often will you actually wear that dress?? Yes, you may have the dresser for a long time, and you can use the perfume sparingly on speecial occasions and it can last, but until you find a job and get at least 2-3 months salary saved, stop spending. You may already have other expenses such as car, insurance and rent to pay, please, do not do this to your future! Good luck, I wish I had known my own advice a long time ago!!

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