Friday, August 7, 2009

I closed on my home today so now that i am a home owner?

am i going to get credit card offers in the mail like crazy?

I closed on my home today so now that i am a home owner?

I was getting credit card offers like crazy before I bought my house, because I had signed up for my first one. I%26#039;m guessing Capitol One puts names into a database somewhere, because I%26#039;m still getting spammed with mail from every bank / company under the sun for various cards.

But yes, you%26#039;ll get all kinds of mail during your first few months. I also got solicitors at my door too several times a day for 2 weeks. It was so annoying. I guess when people see you have your own home now, they think you%26#039;re rich.

I closed on my home today so now that i am a home owner?


At first, you may need a wheelbarrow to bring the daily mail to your house. Some lenders require you to %26#039;opt out%26#039; during the mortgage process or they retain the right to sell your name and address to eager marketers.

Additionally, when the deed of sale is recorded in the local land office, there will be hordes present who will gather that information and feed it into their mailing databases.

Get a quality shredder and put it to good use.....:)|||If I were you I%26#039;d contact the Direct Marketing Bureau and opt out of all the junk mail and also register on the Do Not Call list.

I got tons of offers, sent to an accessable mailbox on the street with all my personal information just right there for anyone to steal. The mortgage bank had sold my information to everyone, and expect companies to track you through the transaction.|||Congratulations on purchasing a home. Don%26#039;t get carried away with credit cards. Never charge anything you don%26#039;t have the money to pay in cash for at the time you charge it. Pay off all cards in full at the end of the month or at the due date. Follow this advice and your credit score will kick up to 800 within a matter of a few years. Owning a home creates a different spending pattern that being a renter.

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