Friday, August 7, 2009

How do i put a stop to unwanted bulk mailings?

I have asked to u n-subscribe from the sex ads, auto loans and credit card offers to no avail. I get about 50 of them everyday and tired of deleting this junk.

How do i put a stop to unwanted bulk mailings?

Unsubscribing was your first mistake. I did that years ago and my inbox was flooded every day. You proved to them that it is a valid e-mail address.

The only thing to do is change your e-mail address with your ISP, or if you only use Yahoo or some other mail, just get a new mailbox and send all your contacts that address.

How do i put a stop to unwanted bulk mailings?


OPT OUT!|||when ever you get one put the address in the bulk folder|||Check out You might also have to go to|||put them on ur %26quot;block addresses%26quot; list. if u have yahoo! its under mail options|||I have a friend who used to dedicate a few hours a month to writing companies that sent catalogs, etc. to her. She stopped most of her junk mail.|||Sometimes when you %26quot;unsubcribe%26quot; to these e-mails, it%26#039;s just a way of letting these spammers know they have a working e-mail address. You%26#039;re best hope it to start a new life with a new e-mail address.|||Throw the darn machine out the window.Preferably at least 5 stories|||nothing, just make it organise, like make sure they go into bulk mail direct. other thing you can do is set up your mail to automatically delete them on arrival. but i dont think is a good idea becasue sometime real mail do go into bulk mail.|||unsuscribe to whatever your getting|||Rule 1: NEVER, EVER click the Unsubscribe link. That just says %26quot;Hey! I have a valid email address!%26quot; and your address goes on a list of valid email addresses and is sold (believe me, they are very saleable).

Rule 2: Delete, delete, delete

Rule 3: If you are using an email client such as Outlook or Outlook Express, there are Bayesian spam filters which move everything that looks like junk to a junk folder. If you are using Yahoo mail (as webmail) there is a spam filter built into that - look at Help in Yahoo mail.|||just look for the important ones and bulk delete all.

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