Sunday, August 9, 2009

My gf wants me to give her all my lifesavings so she can pay off her credit card debts. What should

I offered to loan her the money (10k) as I cannot afford to give everything to her. I know she will pay me back, but she has trouble budgeting, so I asked her how much she could afford to pay me every month. I am only asking her to pay me back at a rate she can afford. All interest free of course.

She feels hurt that I would ask for my money back, because she thinks that love means that I should go all the way with her, and not think about the money at all, or if or when I can get back my life savings.

I can see her point of view, and she thinks she%26#039;s walking alone if I loan her the cash. But, I feel I%26#039;m walking together with her on this by loaning the cash, and I wish she would try to take more control of her life.

Can anyone share their thoughts on this subject?

My gf wants me to give her all my lifesavings so she can pay off her credit card debts. What should I do?interest rate

hi, she is just your gf. you don%26#039;t know what might happen to your relationship with her in the future. don%26#039;t give your money to her. she sound like she like to have your money and not paying back which is so unfair. i know you love her but she has to control herself. and also, if you are going to loan money for her, let her sign an agreement to pay whatever amount you guys agreed to pay every month. think about yourself too not just hers. anyway, that%26#039;s not your problem. yes, you can help but don%26#039;t shoulder all of it. good luck!

i am a woman with almost the same problem and my ex bf paid all my debt, unfortunately, we broke up and there%26#039;s no aggreement for me to pay him back every month and now he is suffering to pay for it. careful! i don%26#039;t wanna do it again though and thinking i will pay him the whole amount at the end of this year but i will just surprise him. he don%26#039;t know my plan of paying him the whole amount.

My gf wants me to give her all my lifesavings so she can pay off her credit card debts. What should I do?


That%26#039;s great !!|||Tell her to kiss your butt.

Do NOT give her the money.

Love does not mean permission to act irresposible and take advantage of someone else%26#039;s better money management.

She needs to grow up and pay her own bills.

If you loan her the money have her sign a note. If she loves YOU she won%26#039;t have a problem with that.|||Keep your money in the bank and RUN Fast. Get as far as you can away from her. and tell all your friends so they dont hook up with her.|||Tell your girlfriend to get her bills consolidated and don%26#039;t loan her any money, she might be your girlfriend now but who knows what might happen later.|||First off, that money is yours. You should never offer the money to anyone like that, where they tell you you should just want to give it to them, if you don%26#039;t expect her to take it and run. Because unless you have proof of it, it is your word against hers and you could wind up screwed. Besides she sounds kind of shady about the whole thing. She should never ask you for the money and then make you feel bad for asking how she is going to pay it back, you worked for it, and it is yours. My opinion, don%26#039;t give her the money, even if she says she will pay you back.|||NOOOOOOOOO stop right now , as soon as ur money is gone so is she. plz save urself before it%26#039;s too late .|||RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||Move and do not leave a forwarding address. Put your new phone in another name. Sorry, but, that is what I will do now from experience.|||i dont think you should loan her the money. help her go to a financial counselor and plan her budget. I loaned all I had to a friend who was being foreclosed on her home and I never got any of it back. I feel realy biter about that|||She shouldn%26#039;t feel hurt that you%26#039;re asking for the money back. She should be kissing your feet for having such a great guy! Sounds like she has a lot of debt. If you pay it off this time, what about next time? And the time after that? I would tell her that she needs to take out a loan because you can%26#039;t risk depleting all of your money. You%26#039;ve worked hard for your money, and shouldn%26#039;t have to worry about not getting it back.

A word to the wise... if you plan on marrying this girl, GET A PRENUP!!|||I have always been told, not to loan money to friends, boyfriends or enemies. Your only asking for trouble when you do that. However, that is only one opinion.|||tell this chick to take a hike, at least money wise. hint; you said GIRLFRIEND not WIFE. with gf%26#039;s theres a big percentage chance that you two will no longer be together in a few years. what would stop her from breaking off all contact with you and taking the money? no offense to your gf, its just a scenario|||i realize why she would think the way she is, but if she loved you, she would realize that you can%26#039;t give away all your money beacsue of her bills, yes maybe you should loan her some but, maybe well i donno A JOB! would help.|||make her *** get a job and pay them off her self. what are you her *****?|||is her name Anna Nicole Smith?|||Uh no, she aint ur wife, just a gf, cause u didnt say a serious gf, so thats just stupid to ask, and she should repay!!! ugh havesnt she heard of loans!|||Go look in the Morrow, see if you got %26quot;SUCKER%26quot; on your forehead.|||The fact that you even offered to loan her the money shows what a great man you are. Besides, she is just your girlfriend. If she can%26#039;t accept that, you need to reconsider her motives. Don%26#039;t allow her to make you feel guilty because you are using common sense. If she does accept the loan, get an official contract. This will give you a leg to stand on if you ever need to call Judge Judy.|||She%26#039;s trying to manipulate you into giving her the money. Don%26#039;t even loan it to her. If she needs money to pay off her credit card debt she will never save money to pay you back. Forget about it.|||Wow. I can%26#039;t believe she actually asked you to give her your life savings. Credit card debt comes from irresponsibility (I know because I have tons of it). She needs to take care of it herself. Tell her it becomes your problem when you get married. Until then, sorry!|||Get your butt outta%26#039; there. Money is the root of all evil. No kidding.|||i see all the time on court shows on tv where an ex sues a former %26quot;lover%26quot;,ex over money that they loaned to pay things off and bills. so i would think about it before you go and give her 10,000 $ because that is alot of money. does she need it right away? i would have her pay you back because if it will be for the long run, like someday you two getting married you will get passed this.

i see both ways but i really do think you should set monthly payments where she can pay you.(and get it in writing if something does happen)|||if you loan her the money it won%26#039;t make her anymore responsible,you will be giving her the easy way out let her figure out a way to be a big girl and do this one on her own debt can be depressing support her emotionally|||I think that love has no monetary value, but that because of her past with money you have every right to expect her to pay you back. Also by asking her or getting her to pay you back little by little that is showing you love her and trust that she%26#039;ll pay it back. Why does she need to have that all paid off now? I think you%26#039;re right and that your girlfriend does need to take more control in her life. I don%26#039;t think that she should feel hurt I mean after all you are trusting her with your hard earned life savings, she should be thankful. If my man loaned me that amount of cash I wouldn%26#039;t say a damn word, but thanks.|||H$$l Naw. You are not married to her. GIRLFRIEND is the key word. IF you do LOAN her the money make her sign an agreement with a witness. You need to start watching Judge Hatchett!!!|||You answered you%26#039;re own question. You said that she thinks that love means that you should go all the way with her, and not think about the money at all. Because love is a two way street, that same saying should hold true for her as well. Don%26#039;t do it...or at least that much. Helping out a little is fine, but your life savings??? C%26#039;mon now, don%26#039;t let her take you for a ride!|||Your slow aren%26#039;t you? Close your checkbook and you should never let anyone know how much money you have in your savings or checking. It%26#039;s better her feelings are hurt than your livelihood.|||Tell her to kiss your butt and leave . any body that asks you to do that are only hanging around you because you have alot of money. most likely she%26#039;s a cheap backstabber that will bribe you or get on your nerves till you give in then she will leave you with all you had.|||You lend her the money, she doesn%26#039;t pay you back. You go into debt because of her. Your credit rating gets ruined. She breaks up with you. Sounds like Judge Judy story coming up.|||She is being quite selfish. The mere fact that you have offered to help her out with loaning the money interest free should be enough of a sign to her that you love her. Some men wouldnt bother. The problem is she got herself into this problem and she is expecting someone to get her out of it. She will not learn responsibility if everything is just given to her. You will have financial problems later on together if she doesnt wake up to herself now. I would be cautious also about how you go about loaning her the money. Fair enough to be interest free and perhaps long term payments but a contract of some sort should be drawn up. This would probably infuriate her I would imagine. But hey,

its 10K and your life savings - not a drop in the bucket. I think she sounds a little manipulative if she has put forward that she feels alone if you loan her the cash. That could not be further from the truth. If she is like this I guess I would be very careful with my emotions and take a step of strength to prove the relationship.

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