Friday, August 7, 2009

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Question:?

I filed for Chapt. 7 Bankruptcy nine months ago and all of my debts were discharged. Now I%26#039;m receiving a lot of credit card offers. Is this normal? I thought it would be difficult to get any kind of credit once you have filed bankruptcy. Thank you answering my question.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Question:?heart rate monitor

Absolutely. Now that you are free of debt, creditors know you cannot file Bankruptcy for 6 years so you are their prime target right now. Do not fall for it. Credit card companies want you to pay late so they can charge you fees. They target consumers they consider a credit risk because they make the majority of their money from these consumers. The credit card industry is crooked. I believe they create bad consumer debt and make finances much, much harder for honest, hardworking people.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Question:? loan

OOOOHhhhh yes, now they know you do not have any debt!

Read the fine lines, they are usually high interest, annual fees, or all secured.... But you do need to get one( ONLY ONE) with the best offer, and rebuild your credit...

When you see the problems come , is when you try to buy a house, buy a car... and after 6 years we still cannot get a sears card! But we have a house( go figure)|||you get all those things...

my husband just filed due to back injury... he is getting auto loan info and credit cards

i went thru the same thing years ago, i tried getting the credit cards, same as you are getting, but after completing the app, i was turned down because of the bankruptcy .. i didn%26#039;t get my first card until two years after, my first card was first premier... i refused to give someone two hundred for a secure cc.. i waited until i was able to get an unsecured cc.

but the more you try to cc, the more marks that is on your credit report... wait a while and then apply, everytime someone checks your credit, its a bad mark|||You can only file every 7 years.

They no this.

Be-careful don%26#039;t fall in the same trap again.

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