Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why do retail jobs so stressful and crappy compare to professional jobs ?

I%26#039;m sure most of us had held a retail position at some point in our teenage years. Well anyway I%26#039;m curious as how to a low paying job can be so pressured and stressful compare to a full time professional job. I worked at Circuit City, Banana Republic, and then later as Assistant Manager at Lenscrafters. Anyway these jobs pays very low yet I was always was under the gun for sales numbers, credit card offers, upselling, recommend multiple purchases. If these number aren%26#039;t met then I get %26quot;coached%26quot;. If I show up late for 3 minutes they either write me up or threatened to write me up.

I have been out of college now for 4 years and have held a professional job with a very large insurance carrier, I was an property adjuster then injury liability adjuster and now I%26#039;m a fraud investigator. Anyway no ones tells me what to do, I can come and leave and I please and I can actually afford to live with the income.

My complaint is shouldn%26#039;t retail job be easy going for teenagers ?

Why do retail jobs so stressful and crappy compare to professional jobs ?car loan

I loved my retail job and I did it into my late forties. You are correct about the stress levels, they are enormous and the physical toll it took on my legs and feet have left me in pain, pain that won%26#039;t be compensated for by either disability or Workman%26#039;s comp.

Salary levels are set by executive who have all gone to college and so they value education above ability, the higher the educational level the higher you can go, its not how well you do, but what school you went to. It always struck me as counterproductive to have the most influential and immediate representative of your company be the lowest paid least invested person in the chain of command.

I left when they insisted that I do more stock work and ironing than before, and I%26#039;d be damned if I was going to tackle any shoplifters for $5.80 an hour. Its just crazy what they expected for their money and you have to realize that I was bringing in easily two or three times my minimum every hour, and I won mall wide prizes for sales and helpfulness so its not like I was lazy.

Jobs needn%26#039;t be easy, if you are getting paid, no matter what it is, there needs to be a level of respect, but its respect on both sides, no one is going to stick around for long if they feel taken advantage of and underpaid, and that%26#039;s why we have such poor service in retail right now. If I feel that way at my age, why should a teen feel any differently?

Why do retail jobs so stressful and crappy compare to professional jobs ?


I%26#039;d like to know if anyone has a stress-free job in this day and age?|||Professional jobs pay more so you have something to look forward to.

You don%26#039;t feel rancorous and stressful and loathe your boss because he dosn%26#039;t value you. It the truth as simple as that.|||Well my guess would be because people who work at those retail jobs can be easily replaced if they aren%26#039;t working up to the managers expectations. For the most part those kind of jobs are just dead end jobs (unless you get a manger position) and doesn%26#039;t require much skill. The professional jobs on the other hand take real training, and obviously higher education. You%26#039;re also probably a little older and more mature by that time, those bosses might respect you more by the way you carry yourself as opposed to a %26quot;know it all%26quot; teenager|||As you said above. Low pay and under the gun for sales numbers. Your clientçŒĞle has the motto %26quot; the customer is always right%26quot; which they use to make your life living hell and to treat you like garbage. My motto was %26quot; the customer is usually an idiot.%26#039; I can%26#039;t stand dealing with people thats why I pretty much order everything online|||You have remember those jobs weren%26#039;t just invented for teens there are people that do that for a living that are way past their teen years and those type of jobs also aren%26#039;t a good way to support yourself

your looking at it from the teens perspective but from the retail company%26#039;s anyone who fills the slot should be able to do their task and the reason you were always hassled by your management is because of the level of education between those two type of people study%26#039;s show those without a degree and teens need a sterner type of leadership then those who are well qualified and will do their work without being asked,

so no they shouldn%26#039;t because they are not invented for teens,

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