Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Can I just NOT have a mailing address?

Is there some law or constitutional requirement to have a mailing address? The only mail I get is about 5 unwanted catalogs and 3 or 4 credit card offers every day. I%26#039;m so tired of shredding them. All my real business is automatic or conducted online. Can I just choose to NOT have a mailing address and take down my postal box?

Can I just NOT have a mailing address?student loan

As long as you live in a dwelling it will have an address. You can remove your mail box but the postal person will just put the stuff on your porch. And maybe even install a new box.They say it is up to us what kind of mail we get We are supposed to reply to unwanted stuff saying take me off the mailing list. Sorry

Can I just NOT have a mailing address? loan

Well I don%26#039;t think homeless people have mailing addresses, but there%26#039;s probably some way of hiding your mailing address, like you can do with your telephone number.|||Very good question. I often ask myself the same thing....for some reason even though you %26quot;technically%26quot; dont need a pob noone will give you anything--a car, job, loan, or even a gym membership without giving them a blasted address...

Im not running from the law or anything, but about two years ago i decided to live as simple as possible, i got rid of my cell phone, television and almost everything i had, even tried pob for a while but it just wouldnt work.

so again to the pob, even though it would be nice to be left alone sometimes, its just not possible in our society, unless we want to be a hermit hunter-gatherer on some remote rock--at least until they find us.

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